[@Double] Look, i respect our differing opinions on the matter, but i would rather not get into an argument with you in chat, so i will simply post my usual rebuttal to arguments along these lines: RP's like this are less of a game and more of a group story-telling activity where we work together to try and amuse ourselves and each other with characters encountering situations as set out by the GM. Plenty of people argue over what is and is not an "Overpowered character" when the answer is simple. In freeform RP's, there is no such thing as an overpowered character, just someone who wants to play an overpowered character. OP characters are created when someone decides to start ignoring the rules of narrative, one of the key rules being "If character X needs to lose a fight to character Y, then they will do so, regardless of how much stronger character X is." E.G. If Broly needs to lose a fight to Krillen in order to facilitate the narrative, then Broly's going to lose.