[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Red Lake B&B[/center][hr][hr] That reaction wasn't a good sign. He was expecting ignorance or ambivalence. This, this was something of a double edged sword. It showed that he was probably on the right track. That he was hitting a vein so to speak. But given what he knew, there was also a great measure of risk here. There was a part of him that wondered if perhaps he should stop. Just say that he wasn't able to figure it out, apologize and potentially refund the parents. This case wasn't worth the trouble. He could just pick up the next case that came to him and forget this all ever happened. But that didn't sit right with him. As tempting as the prospect of quitting while he still could was, he was too far in to quit now. A few more strong clues and he could likely piece it together. So many parts, he just needed to figure out how they all fit. Not to say that he also wasn't imagining what the discussion behind those closed doors consisted of. Matter of fact, perhaps he needed to perform a cover investigation of the Bed and Breakfast at some point in the future. There might be more to the building that he was yet unaware of. [color=slategray]"If that's all it contains,"[/color] Harry responded after reading the paper, [color=slategray]"do you know why it might have been sealed the way it is? A simple lock would work just as well, in a less permanent manner might I add."[/color]