[center][img] https://s21870.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/giphy-11.gif[/img][/center] Well, this was a rude awakening… The strawberry blonde gazed up at the man who blocked the view of the sun from her eyes. A wicked toothy grin brought a large amount of concern to her features as her gaze moved around to the surrounding crew. Such a lovely lot but he had a point this… captain; who seemed no older then herself, she was unwanted on the ship. However that could be argued by the stares she was getting, but none of those stares showed any signs of helpfulness. Swallowing hard she weighed her options. She could lie, lying was always an option. She was a homeless girl that fell sleep in the barrel and his stupid grunts grabbed the barrel. But something told her those keen eyes wouldn’t buy it. Maybe being a bit vague? Looking for some passage and no one would give it to her so she needed to get out of town. It was partially true as no one within the town of Fiore would give her a ride and not even the guild hall would help her as her adventure seemed more like a fool’s run than something that could actually be profitable. Her gaze moved around the ship as she attempted to weight her options, knowing full well that making the captain wait probably wasn’t the best idea but she needed to get her bearings. How far away could they be? There wasn’t much to see, there was no city line but she couldn’t have been sleeping for too long and if she swam in the opposite direction of where the ship was sailing she’d… she’d hit land soon enough right? But this… her gaze moved up to the flag waving in the wind, this was a pirate ship. If pirates spoke anything… they spoke money. Seeing it pointless to stay on her feet she climbed up, hers hands clutching the rolled up paper and the book to her chest, despite her actions, she showed little fear towards the situation she was in; her concern merely towards the preservation of her items. [color=pink]“Balidor.”[/color] She said plainly which caused murmurs from the crew. [color=skyblue]“Did she say Balidor?” – “The temple of treasures?” – “I thought it was a myth.” – “Stupid girl, everyone knows Balidor isn’t real.” – “Actually I heard some guys made it to the island but couldn’t find the temple.” – “That’s an old sea tale, there’s no way that’s real.” – “Did she really say Balidor?!”[/color] The murmuring was enough to make her feel like she might have some headway, some… but not a lot. [color=pink]“That’s right, Balidor.”[/color] Her voice filled with more confidence with the discussion around her, some seemed interested in her words while others would rather use her and be done with her… which did not seem promising. [color=pink]“It is not myth.”[/color] Her call was louder this time, showing more strength and – dare we think – authority on the matter. [color=pink]“Unlike others, I have a map to the island and a book to get through the temple safely to the treasures beneath. However the guild won’t take the job because they don’t view it as guaranteed money, and no one in the port would take me. I snuck aboard in an attempt to get to the next port to inquire about help there.”[/color] Feeling as though she needed to prove her point she extended out the rolled up map to him. [color=pink]“Judging by the… well hat.”[/color] [i]Sure because the hat’s a dead giveaway, not the fact that he can silence an entire crew of people much older than him with a simple glare.[/i] [color=pink]“You must be the Captain. If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself. This is a map to the island, a larger copy than what’s in the book here.”[/color] With that she held up the book before tucking it back against her. [color=pink]“The difference is that the map is in English, and the book is in Latin. I know the intrusion isn’t the best way to make acquaintances but dropping me off at the next port or throwing me overboard are always options. Or, seeing as I need a ship and you probably wouldn’t mind some cash, we could go on an adventure.”[/color] Oh she was treading in dangerous water but it was now or never. Either that or she’d just jump overboard and pray to keep at least the book somewhat dry. All she could do was keep the rolled up map extended out to him and pray he took it, and the bait of money.