[quote=@Ollumhammersong] [@Mister Thirteen] Ya I was thinking about those, honestly... i'd tread carefully around those. Leave the main story line and anyone related to it untouched and as the outcomes as ambiguous as you can. I assume your leaving the grand quest line and the imperial/stormcloak thing? If so there can be some fun to be had eliminating certain officers from either sides. Just not any of the really higher up or story critical ones. Or taking out a few nosey Thalmer (or the Thalmer are a client) The story of rebuilding the brotherhood itself is compelling enough and can require more than just shiving people in the dark. Contacts need to be made, bribes collected and given and maybe a bit of travel to the other provinces. [/quote] I concur with this. Rebuilding the Brotherhood alone and establishing a firm hold in the province can make its’ own compelling quest/story line. Asassinations and contracts will of course factor in.