[u][b]Thessir[/b][/u] As he listened to the lightning mage speak his confident smirk slowly unfurled into a great cheshire grin. When the man turned to leave with his mighty fleabag Thessir let out a great burst of raucous laughter. "Ha! Calling me a poor winner eh? Heheheh, that's a first!" He fit his words in between bouts of jeering chuckles. His laughter only started to simmer down as Kazudain and his pet left the building. Spinning on his heels he turned to the medic who was just previously attending the defeated one. "Say, since I suspict we're both gonna be on our way to the infirmary mind if I ask a thing or two about the fellow? If mimory serves corrict I mit, er-" He paused momentarily as his accent was starting to slip through a tad thick. "[i]met[/i] the lad on the way to the signups a couple days ago. Dour sort, ain't he?" He casually asked them as he started on his way to the infirmary where, hopefully, the medic was on their way to as well. If that medic wasn't heading the same way he supposed he could just strike up some conversation on the guy with someone else. [i]Nothing like digging up info on an opponent[/i] He thought to himself as he strolled along with a skip to his step despite the tingling numbness running up to his elbows.