[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/food-wars-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/be15b386fc03c1e18f2b9ae1f6a3058f.png[/img][/url] [hr][h2]Why Me?[/h2][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/ytQ5CYE1VZw]Api’s Fight Theme[/url] Till I Collapse[/center] Api took his position in the center of the Danger Room allowing the powerful pulse of the American rap music to draw from his core the ber-serkr; what he pictured as the dark shadow of his heart. His humanity flowed away as he allowed all the anger and violence he normally held in check to surface, to take control but not run wild. Around him the Danger Room created adversaries that dropped from the ceiling or grew from the floor their stances displaying their sinister intent, their melee weapons held with deadly intention. Then without warning they attacked. Spears thrust into the space he occupied and found only air as he vaulted upwards his gravitic control and gymnastics combining with seamless ease. Hammers were thrown only to fall short as they passed through a wall of expanding gravities perhaps 4 or 5 times they normal as did arrows fired from 3 of his foes. Api spun like a top stopping 3 meters of the Danger Room floor his arms flying out at 90 degrees from his shoulders as he altered the gravity plane to the horizontal rather than its normal vertical orientation. The effect was was violent and immediate as his adversaries caught off balance suddenly fell sideways some flying into the walls at terminal velocity their robotic forms breaking apart. Without pause Api snarled as he zeroed two of the warrior bots and placed 8 times normal gravity attraction points at the center of two more making the zeroed deadly projectiles. His blood was boiling so much as he finished off his deadly sport that when he looked around and saw no more targets he threw his head back and roared as he flipped gravity on its head in the room sending the already damaged and destroyed bots hurtling into the ceiling. He stopped his rage crossing his arms over his chest and taking a cleansing breath as bot parts rained around him then there was silence. He stood amid his work like a statue for perhaps 2 minutes before he exhaled pushing the anger back into its proper place within his soul. [hr][center][h3]Why I am Here[/h3][/center][hr] [i]”Why do I feel on fire?”[/i] he asked himself as he looked around shocked that his rage released was as brutal as the legends of the Bear Shirts. [i]”I did this barely controling my Wolf’s heart, I’m glad they are only machines”[/i] he said to himself knowing that he didn’t see the broken toys as machine as he smashed them. To Api they were Saxons or Gauls as he’d been killing them and the felling of each an emotional release that the civilized he knew had felt so real at the time. So he decided to meditate on it as the rooms cleaning systems swept the remains into the sub basement’s recyclers so they could be restored for the next exercise.