[center][i]Imagine you have been taken away from your every day life. Not another planet, not another land, but just a slightly different existence. You are still the same person, and you have the same life history, but something feels [i]off[/i]. Your day to day life doesn't matter as much anymore, you are much more concerned with one crucial thing...[b]survival[/b]. You aren't alone, there are a collection of individuals just like you, and if you want to live. You are going to have to work with them, but even that isn't a garuntee you will ALL live because someone is trying their absolute hardest to make sure none of you do. This is Murderworlds and the last days of your life begin here.[/i][hr] [hider=The RP] [h2][u][b]Overview[/b][/u][/h2] [img]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/021/246/745/36d55736ac06ed1bfcec436849edfe21_original.png?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1526441703&auto=format&gif-q=50&lossless=true&s=a0d68f8b38c541673affc417a9755af9[/img] Welcome to the Sandbox Horror Survival RP murderworlds. You will play as a regular person who has found themselves in a series of areas with a group of other players you will be surviving with. Along with you and the other survivors there will be a small number of NPCs who may provide you with directions or lore but they will never join you. The most important factor is there will be a powerful Stalker-Slasher-Killer on your trail trying to kill all survivors at any cost. You will have to use teamwork and your individual skills to stay alive and elude/defeat the killer.[hr] [h2][u][b]Areas[/b][/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aNS7cmS.jpg[/img] There are 7 self contained 'Areas' in this game, they seem to be supernaturally isolated from each other and can only be escaped when certain conditions are met. Think of them like different 'levels' in a game that can be played in any order. Each area has it's own designated killer and escape conditions. This will likely be a case of discovering the mystery of the area and the killer and using that knowledge as the final clue on how to escape the area and the killer for good. This will mean that the group will have a task of gathering info around the area while evading the killer. Once you escape an area you will have a new Area and a new killer to deal with.[hr] [h2][u][b]Killers[/b][/u][/h2] [img]https://assets.vg247.com/current//2014/11/Last_Year_Stalker.jpg[/img] Each Area has its own story and setting, and this is tied into the origin of the stalking murderer trying to kill you all. There are a total of 7 and they all have their own appearances, lore, strengths and vulnerabilities. They all hold supernatural abilities but their mortality is ambiguous. They [i]can[/i] be killed but it is very difficult to put them away for good. Their behavior and aggression is also tied to your progress in 'solving' the area. They may only appear to injure one of you to begin with, but as you learn more and get closer to escaping, their intent will become more murderous and frantic, trying to kill multiple targets at once. If you manage to kill the Killer, you will escape the area and they wont be seen again. If you escape the area but don't manage to kill the killer, they have a chance of popping up in a new area once or twice. Adding to the difficulty of trying to deal with the 'resident' killer.[hr] [h2][u][b]Death[/b][/u][/h2] [img]https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/skull-moon-cemetary-kara-norris.jpg[/img] Death is certain but not permanent. When your character is brutally slaughtered or succumbs to injuries they will die. However there are a limited amount of special amulets in each area that can be used to revive one of the group. Also even if your character does die, they will only be dead for that area. If even one of the group manages to escape the area, the rest of the group is brought back to life for the next area. However, the reward for surviving is a new 'ability' for your character as a sign of them developing as a survivor.[hr] [h2][u][b]Characters & Abilities[/b][/u][/h2] [img]https://gameplay.tips/uploads/posts/2016-06/1466018588_dead-by-daylight.jpg[/img] You character is a regular person from the real world. But even normal people have skills. And depending on your character's occupation or background they will be assigned a skill, something they do better than the average person. The usefulness of the skill may not be apparent to you at first, but in 7 campaigns across 7 unique areas you will find use for it, one way or another. The occupations are pre-set but your backstories are yours to create. You will also have a 'fear' think of this as a severe psychological weakness that will effect all of your characters movements and behavior. Your fear might make you freeze when you should be running or possibly make you panic when you need steady hands. In terms of Health there are 5 levels (6 including death) [color=39b54a]Healthy[/color] [color=8dc73f]Okay[/color] [color=fff200]Damaged[/color] [color=f7941d]Injured[/color] [color=ed1c24]Critical[/color] Your health also effects your abilities but those effects might vary from person to person. Being injured could effect you stamina. But being slightly damaged could cause your character to run faster or fight harder out of desperation.[hr] [/hider] [hider=The Players] [h2][u][b]Applying[/b][/u][/h2] This is very large project that I've been working on for months. If you join this RP I expect a level of dedication and regularity to the RP. If you drop out without warning you may very well be replaced. I know real life can make RPs slow but for this RP I expect a post at least once every 72 hours from each of you to keep some level of regularity. If you can't commit to this, please don't sign up. I also expect a High Casual level of writing. Although for certain simple situations in the RP a shorter post might be appropriate, just discuss it with me in OOC. It's also very likely you will die in this RP (but won't stay dead). So please do not complain to me if you feel like the killer or the world cheated you. The odds are stacked against you. This is a horror survival.[hr] [h2][u][b]Character Sheets[/b][/u][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Backstory:[/b] [b]Fear:[/b] You will choose your occupation and fear from a list. It will inform your skills and you backstory must reflect both. Make sure the occupation and fear is available before submitting or writing a character. it might be easier for you to call 'dibbs' on them.[hr] [b]Roleplay[/b] Remember you are playing as a regular person in a very terrifying and bizarre situation. Please don't RP your character as a hyper competent survivalist, they will be panicky, possibly anti-social, traumatized and in despair. Roleplay accordingly. [/hider] [color=a36209][i][h1]𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝕮 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖑𝖆𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖍 𝖔𝖓 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓![/h1][/i][/color] [/center]