Alice was spirited to see her companions join in with her jaunty song, though she made sure to keep her volume in check when Calanon went off to explore, realising that it was much more likely they would caught unawares without their chief scout. In his absence she made sure to be extra alert, casting her own auguries and inspecting the local flows of energy. All clean and free of tampering, as far as she could tell, though if the sorceress they encountered the other day bore a grudge Alice would have very little way of foretelling her presence. Though Alice knew of very few ways to mask her own casting she didn't doubt a Dorcha would know many techniques no human had even conceived of. Still, her Vrettonian pride would not allow her to think the likelihood of detection impossible, so she kept at it. She was just gazing out across a clearing when she because aware the party was under attack, more because of the shouts of alarm and the tensing of the local aura than the creature itself. Calanon returned atop his Stag, which he was lucky to have as Alice could think of no other creature that would be able to outrun the abomination in pursuit. Alice could not recognise it, she had never read it's description in any studies she'd done, but she could imagine well enough her poor wizard frame getting quickly stuck on one of the three spikes or crumpling inwards on that tail and so she quickly skipped behind the nearest fighter, Nicademus. In her alarm she even let out a Vrettonian curse as she scrambled for her weapons. She didn't exactly have a plan to deal with this, except for something she'd read in a book. When confronted by a wild beast parties are always supposed to stand together in formation, to scare it off, but that plan already seemed in shambles as everyone was already scrambled. She salvaged what she could and stood close to the knight, saying to him [color=royalblue]"Shout for everyone to stand together, Ser Knight,"[/color] she started summoning her energies, [color=royalblue]"And any advice would be well appreciated."[/color] She didn't know if her plan would be followed, and was prepared to jump away or with Nicademus at the slightest hint of the situation changing. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen][@Stormflyx][@Mortarion]