Name: Jimbo Thompson Age at Death: 29 Human Appearance: Short, dark hair, slender build, casually dressed, brown eyes, 5'10" Demonic Appearance: 6'5", red eyes (slit like a cat's), clawed fingers and toes, fangs, fire for hair Good or Bad in Life: Gotta be bad, right? I mean I'm in hell afterall. How You Died: Car crash Personality: Arrogant, sarcastic and fearless (although the latter is what got him killed to begin with) Other: Jimbo liked to drink in life. Driving fast cars and fratranizing with loose women while swimming in vodka was his M.O. The combination thereof led to his death when he crashed into an innocent family of 4. Now he burns in hell in repentence, but he's starting to find he kinda likes it here!