After a few moments of silent thought, Lorag shook his head. "No, not yet. Nothing to be gained from me just slapping you around again. I'll teach you techniques, we'll spar, but it's gonna be a while before you're ready to actually [i]fight[/i] me again. You need to train, you need to get better, and you'll need to prove to me that you're ready for that kind of a chance again. If you want that chance, then you'll need to agree to stay here and train. You'll be goin' through the same lessons as all the rest of the recruits. Lorag grabbed a hold of Narsi's shoulder and pulled her up to her feet after Alain stopped his healing. He looked her over for any leftover wounds, then took a few moments just to stare at her eyes to see if there were still any signs of disorientation. "Hmph, you look fine. Good enough, at least. Potion'll take care of the rest. You know, I think I'll at least give you somethin' solid. If you can get good enough to at least beat the other children in my pack consistently, then we'll fight again. You've got Kaj-Julan and Rhazii: a lizard and a big cat. Their parents ain't Orcs, so they're bein' raised soft, but they do got the advantage of better trainin' than you, so they're still tougher than you. Lizard's about your age, little younger. but Rhazii's got a few years on you. Don't matter, though; you'll need to get better than both." [hr] [i]"No, I doubt I ever did."[/i] Kaleeth answered, shaking her head. [i]"He's not someone I would have wanted to be around. We can talk about it later."[/i] Kaleeth looked nervously back to her father. [i]"Actually, if he is Master-Hunter, then we should probably speak to the other Elders soon. I think they can help keep everything civil. Do you want to come with us, father?"[/i] Zharanthixil was quick to shake his head. [i]"No, you can handle that yourself. I want to speak to your son."[/i] Immediately, Julan appeared to be nervous to finally have the attention on him. His grandfather had done little to make himself seem approachable. There was only the occasional glimpse of anything other than a severe, serious attitude from him. Zharan was not trying to be intimidating, but his stare still had the same effect as he looked down on Julan. [i]"You said your name is Kaj-Julan, yes? And you have been raised entirely outside of Black Marsh?"[/i] Zharan asked. Julan kept his answer short and direct. [i]"Yes, sir."[/i] Zharan looked up again, somewhat more towards Janius than Kaleeth. [i]"Has he been allowed a proper naming ceremony? Does he know of our customs? Has he been taught to hunt and care for himself as a Saxhleel boy should?"[/i]