[color=9e0039][center][h1]Korrey Brooks[/h1][/center][/color][hr][hr] [color=9e0b0f]"My hair, huh? gotta say, that's a bit of a first. Most people tend to notice my height before the hair."[/color] Korrey chuckled as the stranger introduced himself as Jacob while they hefted the doped up patient behind what Korrey could only assume was some sort of nurse or doctor considering how she acted. Korrey had met quite a few medical types, and every single one of them had been just like this chick: bossy and demanding with little care for answering questions when they were busy doing something. Really, being ignored like this was one of the few things that really dug under his skin, but given that he had already decided to help her out, he couldn't really start chewing the woman out over her lack of manners. With not else to do, the giant man let out a sigh as he adjust his grip on the passed out crazy in his arms before turning to offer Jacob a free hand. [color=9e0b0f]"Pleased to meet ya, man. Name's Korrey."[/color] When they finally arrived in the building the woman had led them too, Korrey gagged at the smell that filled the room, a mixture of antiseptic and sickness that made his gut churn. Looking around, he couldn't help but wonder what was causing all this. . . and why he hadn't known about it till now? While this place was big, any illness that could put down dozens of people like this was something that would usually get any rumor mill churning. then again, it wasn't like he had become well entrenched in said rumor mill to begin with . . . especially after he beat the tar out of those ruffians. People seemed to give him a wide berth after that particular incident. As they put the sick man down to be more securely restrained to his bed, Korrey left the questioning of the tired looking male doctor to jJacob, deciding to instead see if he could make himself useful in some respect. As such, he walked up to the woman with burn scars, clearing his throat slightly to alert her to his presence before hand, so he didn't spook her. [color=9e0b0f]"Excuse me ma'am, but is there anything I can do to help ya out? Clean out washtubs, change sheets, that kind of thing?"[/color]