[center] [hider=Serrice Ward, the Arms Dealer] [color=gray] [center][color=steelblue][h1]Serrice Ward[/h1][/color] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/9f3d/th/pre/i/2018/002/a/2/tess_by_raikoart-dbyny74.png[/img] [hider=More Art] [color=red]DISCLAIMER[/color]: All art is made and owned by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/raikoart]RaikoArt[/url], the character is Tess. [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/0780/i/2018/248/b/9/___and_now_you_come_to_me_and_ask_me_for_a_favour__by_raikoart-dcm40a2.png[/img] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/5be7/th/pre/i/2018/012/4/6/a_little_more_action_by_raikoart-dbzru51.png[/img] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/c68a/i/2017/348/c/6/tess_concept_sheet_by_raikoart-dbwq1y3.png[/img][/hider] [i]"Are those M16's? Those things are almost a century old. Why don't I hook you up with something a little more modern? Some of the stuff I can get you would make those M16's look like BB guns."[/i] [color=steelblue][b]Name[/b][/color] Serrice Ward [color=steelblue][b]Age[/b][/color] 24 [color=steelblue][b]Sex[/b][/color] Female [color=steelblue][b]Nationality[/b][/color] Canadian [color=steelblue][b]Languages Spoken[/b][/color] [color=white]English[/color] [Fluent] [color=white]French[/color] [Fluent] [color=white]Japanese[/color] [Advanced] Serrice can understand all other modern languages through the use of her SpeechMaster Implant, but she cannot speak them. [color=steelblue][b]Cybernetic Enhancements[/b][/color] [color=white]SpeechMaster LX -[/color] This implant is a small chip located in the ears that records languages and translates them into the wearer's native language. While it only serves the purpose of allowing the wearer to understand other languages, its data can be downloaded onto a computer for later studying and learning. This implant is popular for its ease of use and low cost, making it accessible to the masses. What separates the LX from the standard edition implants, is that it can be customized with new languages, whether they be officially recognized by the world, or a homebrew language shared between a small group. [color=white]Arm Scout 3rd Gen -[/color] These are ocular implants not much different from other sight enhancing augments. They improve eye sight, allow for better night vision and limited zoom. The Arm Scout's advantages over more common and cheaper ocular implants are focused on firearms. The implants are directly connected to the world's firearm database, allowing the Arm Scouts to identify and provide information on any cataloged firearm. The latest 3rd Generation model of the Arm Scout, identifies modern weapons, and attempts to interface with the firearm's onboard computer. If the weapon's data isn't properly encoded, the 3rd Generation Arm Scouts can provide 'active information' to the wearer, such as the weapon's current ammo count, the safety status, the last time the weapon has been given maintenance, and if there is a bullet currently in the chamber. Additionally, if the safety is off and the Arm Scout can interface with the weapon, it can then show the wearer, in real time, the direction and trajectory of the weapon. 3rd Generation Arm Scouts are very new, not even three months on the market. Arm Scouts are favored by arms dealers. [color=white]HoloPalm -[/color] A simple augmentation located in the palm of Serrice's left hand. It allows her to create holographic projections with her palm. Obviously, Serrice can't always carry around the hardware her company sells. The HoloPalm allows Serrice to show her stock to buyers without the need to struggle with customs. She can easily show off a new rifle or suit of full body armor. Better yet, small sensors linked to the holopalm in Serrice's fingertips, she can manipulate the holograms, rotate them, and pull parts away from the projection to showcase components and interiors of her products. [color=steelblue][b]Property[/b][/color] [img]http://cyberpunk.asia/images/Arasaka_Zenith.jpg[/img] [color=white]Schwertkämpfer P633[/color] A modern semi-auto pistol made by the German company Schwertkämpfer Arms, a young sister company to Sauer & Sohn. The pistols is chambered in .45 ACP and can carry a magazine of 12 rounds (plus one in the chamber). Serrice's personal P633 has a white slide, equipped with hologram sights mounted on a picatinny rail. The onboard computer in the P633 interfaces with Serrice's Arm Scout, allowing her to keep updated on the ammo count of her weapon. If she needs to, Serrice can rely on her Arm Scout to provide trajectory information for a more accurate shot. That said, Serrice uses the weapon for personal defense. Spoofed ID The very identification that managed to get Serrice and her brother out of Canada, and into Japan. The ID shares her face, but it can be modified to alter her information, such as her name, date of birth, country of origin, etc. Serrice and her brother paid quite a large amount of money from their arms dealing in Canada to hire a skilled hacker capable of spoofing the IDs to appear official. [color=steelblue][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Serrice is a fit, pale girl with long blonde hair. She often dresses in fancy clothing when not on business, and more enticing clothing when working with a client. Her icey blue eyes are highlighted by bits of HUD data from her ocular implants. She has a tattoo on her right thigh, a [url=https://www.askideas.com/media/43/Black-And-Grey-Gun-And-Belt-Tattoo-On-Thigh.jpg]garter with an old baretta[/url] resting in it. [color=steelblue][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] Calm Approachable Confident Witty Punctual Knowledgeable (Weapons, Armor) [color=steelblue][b]Background[/b][/color] Serrice was born and raised in Canada along with her older brother. Her parents weren't anybody of importance, even less so in Serrice's rise. She wasn't anybody special growing up, just another pretty girl in a middle class family. Serrice went through all the normal phases, a darling when she was a child, a rebel when she was a teen, and a bachelor living paycheck to paycheck when she was a young adult. She was never sure what she wanted to do when she was older, so she ended up taking out student loans for college and university to go through courses she thought might interest her. While she made it through all of them, Serrice was never too keen on the field by the end. This of course resulted in Serrice being buried in student debt, with nothing to show for it. Her older brother was far more rebellious than she was. He had fallen in with the wrong crowds, and might have slipped on the opposite ends of the law on occasion. But Serrice saw the money he had, and figured he might be able to provide a solution for her debt. One day, she approached her brother, and asked if he could show her how to make the money he was making. Serrice found out that her brother was selling handguns and machine pistols to local gangs and wannabe hitmen. It intimidated her at first, but after she and her brother made their first joint deal with a corrupt businessman, she was hooked. They had managed to get their hands on a pair of ultra modern handguns, fresh in the market. The corpo who they sold the guns to, paid double to keep the entire affair hush hush. In just one deal, Serrice had already managed to make a huge dent in her debt. Things changed when a deal went south with a powerful group of local mobsters. Serrice's brother was beat after the kingpin claimed their price was too high for the quality of the guns. They had grabbed Serrice, and tried to take her to another room. In a panic to protect himself and his younger sister, Serrice's brother pulled an autopistol, and cut down the gangsters. Knowing that they hadn't seen the end of this, Serrice's brother took her and all of their money, and ran. Her parents were obviously concerned, and had the police looking for them. But they never realized that their children had already left the country with spoofed identities. They ended up in Japan, masking their presence among the waves of immigrants flooding into the country. But it was a difficult transition. Neither of them knew Japanese, and they had no connections to start doing what they did best. Nevertheless, the siblings went to work, once again dealing arms on the street level to Yakuza remnants and other gangs. As months passed, the two had worked up the creds to get some implants that'd make their lives easier. The first implant Serrice got was a SpeechMaster implant to help her better understand their Japanese clients. She was glad that the second language in Japan is English. Next was a HoloPalm augment, simple enough, but it meant that Serrice didn't need to carry weapons around with her all the time to make a deal. Things were beginning to go smooth for the siblings. Their influence had grown to a respectable amount, and they managed to out compete some other arms dealers on the streets. Their clients got bigger and better, but that also meant their names became more widespread too. Serrice had heard of the Sycamore crime family, but she hadn't yet dealt with them. The siblings had expanded further, reaching Sycamore turf. It wasn't long before they were approached by a man representing the Sycamores. He game then two choices. Work for the Sycamores, or leave the city. Relocating wasn't in the cards for them now, so the choice was clear. They had to start giving the Sycamores a cut of their income. At the time, Serrice had no idea that her brother was undercutting the Sycamores and keeping some money for himself. Meanwhile, her own loyalty to the Sycamores was growing. She was giving the family more of her share than what was agreed upon, and that helped build a rapport with them. A divide began to grow between Serrice and her brother. As a gesture of goodwill, the Sycamores even paid for an advanced augmentation for Serrice, state of the art Arm Scout cybereyes. Her brother warned her not to go through with the augmentation, but Serrice didn't listen to her. She accepted the augments. Not long after she had the cybereyes installed, the Sycamores discovered the large secret savings Serrice's brother had been building. They were furious. Serrice and her brother were brought before the don. The don suggested first that they take both the money and one of Serrice's cybereyes as recompense and punishment. But her brother explained she had no part in his undercutting, that it was all him. It was the truth, but it certainly didn't improve matters. Serrice's brother was pulled from the room. He yelled, kicked, and punched helplessly as the heavily augmented mobster dragged him away. Serrice never saw her brother again. The don went back to Serrice, and said that for her brother's disloyalty, she would need to make up for his profits, and pay them back for the cybereyes, or else they'd be ripped out from her. By the time she left the Sycamores' residence, her bank account had already been hacked and drained entirely. But even with the money they took back from her and her brother, she was still very short of what she needed to pay back the eyes, as well as maintain her brother's cut. She knew she'd need to make larger scale deals, and work above street level arms trade. [color=steelblue][b]Skills[/b][/color] [color=white]Arms Trade[/color] Serrice has been selling weapons and armor for a a few years now, and has acquired a fair amount of knowledge in her field. When people come to her looking for something, she knows what they need, and how to get it. Her Arm Scout cybereyes help with this, but over time, she has learned for herself what is bad, what is good, and what is great. [color=white]Connections[/color] Her work has allowed Serrice to meet a colorful variety of individuals. She knows some very dangerous people, some of which she has supplied before. Serrice keeps some of these connections loyal by making them preferred clients, offering them discounts for her wares and choosing to supply them over their competition (that they know of). If there is a service that Serrice can't provide by herself, then she will point you to somebody who can. [color=white]A Pretty Face and a Quick Mind[/color] In her trade, one needs to be charming enough to break the ice, and witty enough to work their way out of a sticky situation. Serrice does quite well in both fields, and she knows it. She likes to learn her clients, so she can find ways to sweeten the deal. Given the situation the Sycamores have put her in, Serrice isn't afraid to get close and flirt with clients to entice them into more business. She might not like it. But she understands the effectiveness. [color=steelblue][b]Flaws[/b][/color] [color=white]Debt to the Sycamores[/color] Because of her brother's attempt at undercutting the Sycamores, Serrice has inherited all of the debt. Unfortunately, this also comes with a way to easily manipulate Serrice. The Sycamores can call Serrice at any moment and tell her to do something, usually reminding her of the consequences if she doesn't comply. This debt has spawned fear in Serrice. Her survival instinct tells her to just get whatever the Sycamores ask of her over with, and continue on her own work to free herself from them. [color=white]Untrained[/color] Serrice might know guns, but she rarely needs to use them. On top of that, she has never learned proper ways to fight. This makes her a rather poor adversary. Anybody with any real fighting experience could easily overcome Serrice. She does carry her own pistol however, so some caution should still be advised. [color=white]Her Brother's Fate[/color] Serrice never knew what became of her brother after the don had ordered him taken from his office. Maybe he was killed. But Serrice doesn't know for sure. Sometimes, the thought of what might have happened to her brother depresses her. If somebody knows of this weakness, they can easily manipulate her into a disadvantageous scenario by claiming they have information on her brother. The Sycamores know she wants to find out, and they often use her brother as a way of getting her to do what they want. [/center] [/color] [/hider] [/center]