[hr] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y5dBzhA.png[/img] [b]PART ONE: ROGUE TAKEOVER[/b] [sup][i]FAMILIAL MATTERS[/i][/sup] [/center] [hr] [hr] Iris raised an eyebrow at her father who gave her the smallest shake of her head, obviously hoping that Wally wouldn’t notice the gesture. Iris turned back to him and flashed him a smile, offering to hug him. It was awkward, but family greeted like family. [color=#ff9900]“Hey, Wally. Nice to meet you I guess.” [/color]Iris stood to the side to let him in, he crunched up the big belly burger bag into a ball. [color=#ffff00]“Nice digs cus.” [/color] Wally whistled as he looked around. She shifted awkwardly as he nodded at her dad. [color=#ff9900]“This is actually my Dads, I live in an apartment out in the city.”[/color] Throwing another look at William who cleared his throat. [color=#ea9999]“We’re just getting ready to eat Wally. If you’ll excuse us, we need to finish it up.” [/color]William signalled to the couch sitting on front of the television. It was currently running some rerun of some old science fiction television show. [color=#ea9999]“Make yourself at home.” [/color]Wally shrugged as he walked around and then plopped himself down on the sofa, there was a thud and Iris winced slightly as eh did so. The Sofa wasn’t exactly young so a teenager just plopping himself down on it was a sure fire way to break it. Iris excused herself as she moved into the kitchen behind her father, pulling the door closed as she did so. Speaking in a hushed voice so that her voice wouldn’t travel outside of the kitchen. She knew from experience with having friends, and boyfriends over, that words spoken in this household tended to travel better than expected. [color=#ff9900]“Dad, what the hell is going on? Who’s he?” [/color]He recoiled slightly with the harshness of her tone, she regretted speaking to him in such a way but something wasn’t sitting quite right with her. This didn’t make any sense. [color=#ea9999]“Keep your voice down Iris.” [/color]William put on an oven mitt as he pulled a tray out of the oven, examining it before pushing it back in. He moved over to the sink, picking up a pitcher and filling it full of water. [color=#ea9999]“He’s not your cousin.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“I figured out that much, but that isn’t answering my question.”[/color] Iris grabbed his shoulder as he moved to walk past her, busying himself. The only way she was going to get any answers out of him would be to get him standing still. [color=#ff9900]“Dad.”[/color] William sighed. [color=#ea9999]“He’s your nephew.” [/color] Iris felt the colour drain from her face. [color=#ff9900]“My… What?”[/color] [color=#ea9999]“Your nephew. Daniel had a son before he was sent off to prison. To some hooker.” [/color]William practically spat the words, the way he always did when it came to Daniel. [color=#ea9999]“So that makes him your nephew.”[/color] Iris leaned against the counter, not trusting her legs to keep her standing. She had always known that Daniel had a life beyond these four walls, when he ran away at seventeen she had lost contact with him. Part of her had always sought to reconnect with him, bring their family back together. Life just got in the way, he had tried to get in touch with her two years ago but it was in the middle of her trying to get Henry released from prison. The thought of that sent a pang of guilt reeling through her, if she hadn’t done that. If her and Barry had only realised sooner, perhaps the events of the last year could have been avoided. [color=#ff9900]“I can’t believe you knew about this, and didn’t say anything.” [/color] William shrugged. [color=#ea9999]“I didn’t think it would ever be important I didn’t expect him to turn up on my doorstep looking for somewhere to stay.”[/color] He walked back to the oven and withdrew their dinner. A lasagne that before Iris had been looking forward to. Now, she wasn’t even hungry. [color=#ea9999]“He can’t stay Iris. Not here, he’s the son of a criminal and a hooker. I’m a cop and I’m not having him here.”[/color] [color=#ff9900]“He’s family Dad.”[/color] [color=#ea9999]“I don’t care. He can visit, but he can’t stay. Not here.”[/color] Iris crossed her arms over her chest. [color=#ff9900]“I guess he’ll stay with me then.”[/color] [color=#ea9999]“Iris-”[/color] A concerned look crossed Williams face. “[color=#ff9900]No Dad. He’s family, and Wests look after their own-”[/color] Iris pointed an accusatory finger at her father.[color=#ff9900] “-You taught me that.”[/color] Before William could argue with her, Iris stormed out of the door, grabbing Wally by the cuff of his shirt and dragged him out of the couch and towards the door. [color=#ff9900]“Come on Wally. We’re leaving, you can stay at my place.”[/color] [hr] Jay offered his hand to the agent. [color=#ffd966]“Agent Coulson, is it?”[/color][color=#ffe599] [/color]Despite the fact that the agent was shorter than he was, there was an air of confidence that he exhumed. Superiority that despite the fact that Jay had years of experience dealing in the extraordinary, made him doubt who was really in control in this room. He had arranged this meeting between them, even then there was something about how Coulson had walked into his small house in the suburbs of Keystone that made it seem as if the agent had been waiting for the call. [color=#45818e]“Yes Sir, and can I just stop to say it’s an honour to meet you. While I am a fan of how you took down the [i]Rival[/i] back in fifty-two I must say I am more impressed with how you helped arm and mobilise the French resistance against the Nazi occupation. I’ve kept every issue of the [i]Invaders[/i] since I was old enough to read.”[/color] Jay shifted awkwardly on his feet, this wasn’t what he was expecting. The professional, school-teacher demeanour was lost the second he had shaken the man’s hand. Instead it was replaced by what could only be referred to as a fanboy. [color=#ffd966]“Uh, thanks I guess.” [/color]Coulsons eyes scanned up and down, noticing the walking stick. The agent signalled to one of the seats on the porch. [color=#45818e]“Would it be better if we sat for this discussion?” [/color]Jay had to withhold a grimace. Being offered a seat in his own home, that was the agent part of Coulson taking over, taking command of the situation. Controlling the lay of the land. In defiance, as much as retaliation, Jay waved his hand dismissively. [color=#ffd966]“No, I just have one quick question. A favour, really. One civil servant to another.” [/color]A curious looked crossed the agents face. [color=#45818e]“What is it you need?”[/color] Jay sighed. [color=#ffd966]“I need to know what S.H.I.E.L.D did with Johnny Quick.”[/color]