With a wave, Dan went off to train with his Pokemon. The training lasted just two hours facing off against weaker pokemon and trainers. Dan focused Mainly on trainy his Burmy and Rat, leaving his strongest, Twiggy, in reserves only training a little just in case a stronger Pokemon came along. Close to the end of his training, his moment came when a tough Buneary had approached them, mad about her sleep getting interrupted by some rowdy Pokemon. Noticing the pokemon was rearing up for a fight Dan got his pokemon ready "Oh? You ready to fight then? Well c'mon then." He said arrogantly, his arrogance would be paid back in spades, with the much stronger Buneary taking out Rat and Burmy in one attack. Dan was worried, his pokemon had been training for a while and almost all had been tired beforehand "Okay, Twiggy...It's up to you, don't let me down, buddy. Okay! Now use tackle!" Dan said as Twiggy charged for a savage hit. It missed as the Buneary was much to fast quickly retaliating with a tackle of its own. "Damn, Okay Twiggy. Play it safe use withdraw, Then absorb!" Dan said. The so-called 'Safe' move backfired, Twiggy wasn't able to transition the move from withdraw to absorb quick enough, causing Buneary to land a savage blow. "No, Twiggy!" Dan screamed as he ran towards his Pokemon. Before he could get to it Twiggy had turned a light white and began to change, Dan instantly knew what this was. "Is this...Evolution?" Dan muttered, the once small pokemon morphed into a much larger beast, one you couldn't carry on your back. His Pokedex buzzed as he looked at it Twiggy had been transformed into its evolution [color=00aeef]Congratulations, Turtwig has evolved into Grotle![/color] "Grotle, Huh..." He muttered. The evolution caused the Buneary to get scared, deciding to go defensive, due to not knowing its opponent anymore or what it had turned into. This proved to be its downfall allowing Grotle to Punish the Buneary and defeat it. "Whoohoo Twiggy you won!" Dan said as he pumped his hand into the air. Twiggy looked at his new body, surprised by the drastic change in its size but liking it more than being a small-fry. Dan left the forest with Twiggy but being forced to put him in his ball, due to his size. He entered the Center and looked around as his pokemon got healed by the nurse. "Indy? Margo?" He called out, trying to find a familiar face.