*Andrew and Gale walk down the street to see a bank robbery taking place* Andrew - ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ Okay Gale go up to that roof top and watch me help and assist the pros and cops. Gale - Why canโ€™t I help? Its only bank robbers. *Right when he got done talking he saw Teddy and his sidekicks* Gale - Are those pandas ๐Ÿผ in suits? And a bunny girl? Andrew - I guess his quirk lets him bring toys to life. Gale - Whoโ€™s that fighting him by himself? Andrew - Idk heโ€™s not a pro. Imma go talk to the police Chief and see if I can get some info and help out. Just stay and watch. *Noir wraps down and introduces himself to the police chief and gets the info he needs and gets permission to assist* Noir - Wait why is the bunny girl running awa... oh never mind a panda with a gun is chasing her. Ugh *Noir cuts off the panda and without thinking twice goes in for the kill but the panda jumps over him and evades him* Noir - Oh you real real huh okay. *The panda pulls out a long knife and charges at Noir. Still mad about letting gale graze him he lets the knife phase though him and counters with a shadow claw. You start to see stuffing coming out of the panda* Noir - One more hit and this is done. *Noir is about to go for the kill but he feels a sharp pain in his ankle. Unbeknownst to him he had step in a toy bear trap but the pain is as real as it gets. Gale looks from above worried but he knows that he can win.* Noir - Damn that shit hurts. Gotta push though the pain. Gotta end this in my next strike. *Noir focus his power while the panda was charging in but before he got to close he strikes him with his scythe and the panda spills in 2* Noir - ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช I guess I should go put some ice on my ankle. *As Noir catches his breath he but in the distance he sees two sets of bodies at the bank* Noir - Damn shit just got real