[hider=Aldon Athan] Basic character sheet [color=ed1c24]Name: [/color]Aldon Athan [color=ed1c24]Titles:[/color] Lord of the night/ Blood King [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] (appears early 30’s late 20’s) Actually countless eons [color=ed1c24]Race:[/color] Vampire- (was Human) [hider= Appearance] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/3/3c/AlucardArt.png/revision/latest?cb=20170509021015[/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Training: [/color] Trained to be an expert swordsman before being turned. After he became a vampire he was taught more advanced skills that complemented his newfound speed and strength along with the secrets of magic. Equipment what you're lugging around [hider=My Hider] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8328/th/pre/i/2017/331/3/b/the_void_blade__early_version__by_avarond-dbv1xr1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Void sword[/color]- Aldons custom made sword “void” is a work of art that took decades to create. It is accurately named as it has the strange ability to absorb magic and store it within. TO most this sword would be absolutely useless as it weighs an incredible amount and is nearly impossible to lift to a normal man. Lucky though because of Aldons Vampiric strength he is able to wield it as if were light as a feather. [color=ed1c24]Black leather outfit with hat[/color]- As shown in the above picture Aldon wears his black garb almost everywhere he goes regardless of the situation. For one it is because he prefers to look his best at all times but in the rare cases, he is about with the masses of common folk he protected from the sunlight. [color=ed1c24]Magic Portal Pendant[/color]- This pendant is linked to a portal within the castle of Aldon and allows for the wearer to travel back to the castle at any time. Because it is only a simple pendant and was one of the first magical items created by Aldon it is only able to be used once a month before recharging and he must be within a reasonable distance to be used properly. Spell skills Do you have any talent with magic [color=ed1c24]Blood magic[/color]- Aldon can use both his own and others blood to ability his other magical abilities. Of course, his being immortal any magic combined with his blood has a greater effect than that of a human or other race. [color=ed1c24]Summoning-[/color] Aldon with his long lifespan has come to study the evil art of necromancy. With his great power, he is able to conjure an army of the undead provided he has the body’s or skeletons to use. [color=ed1c24]Fire-[/color] While one of his lesser used abilities Aldon can conjure an manipulate fire in both offensive and defensive manners. Being a vampire however in this regard means Aldon will hurt himself as well when using any kind of fire magic. [color=ed1c24]Teleportation-[/color] When this ability is in use a beam of hellfire erupts from the ground and flies into the sky which is visible for many miles. Once Aldon has left the spot he was once standing the beam slowly closes in circumference until it is completely gone. This ability allows Aldon to travel about halfway across the continent. He rarely uses it though as it lets out a large amount of his vampiric aura and is easy to recognize. [color=ed1c24]Bat form-[/color] as stereotypical as it is Aldon can transform into a bat or a swarm of bats to move more easily. [color=ed1c24]Other skills Any other skills that are useful?[/color] [color=ed1c24]Compel-[/color] Though he rarely uses it Aldon can compel another person to do as he wishes with nothing more than eye contact. This however by far Aldons weakest ability as a Vampire. Because of this the most he can do is have the victim forget certain events or make them do a basic task. If the individual were to be put in danger the person will break out of the spell. Affiliation Are you affiliated with any nation or order? NA. Just his own castle [color=ed1c24]Personality A quick rundown of personality[/color] Aldon was once a kind man who fought to protect the kingdom he once called his home. over time, however, he has seen the darker side of humanity and has seen how little humans care for one another and quickly they are to forget the hardships each other face. Because of this he has grown quite vengeful and has let his evil intentions take hold once again. He cares little to what happens to those he fights against. He will often make his opponents lose all hope while fighting just to see them live their few minutes like a scared child. Yet through all this Aldon still hopes to see the humans find their way once more and forget their petty issues. He has even gone so far to allow certain opponents to win who have proven to show selflessness in battle or that he deems worthy. This, however, is a very rare occurrence. [color=ed1c24]History [/color] Most of what you would read in the ancient text or textbooks in a school Aldon has seen firsthand. Aldon was there during the first great wars where the titans of the world for the first time tested each other might. Aldon was not only a soldier but also a monster hunter who had pledged his life to end the evil creatures who had sworn to destroy humanity. He was a loyal soldier who had become quite the acclaimed warrior throughout the lands until one fatal night when his life changed forever. While out fighting with some of his men he was infected with an illness that took a strong hold of him. Acting almost like the flu he didn't think about it as he made his way back to their castle. Once arriving his body had gone cold as he began to lose vision. The medics quickly took him to the infirmary to do what they could but were saddened to see the life fade from his eyes. That night all the people within the castle mourned the loss of one of their best. That next morning when the sun rose the nurses heard a loud scream coming from one of the rooms. When they entered they couldn't believe their eyes, in the corner trying his best to hind from the sun was Aldon. He had grow slightly taller was much for well toned and built and had an air of power around him that was almost mixed with fear. Most shocking however was that his eyes were now a blood red color. After many examinations the leaders made the conclusion that Aldon had been transformed somehow by the best that had hit him. He had become the everything he had sworn to destroy. The only thing that stopped them from killing him there was the fact through all of this Aldon showed no signs of mental change and seemed as if he was still a warrior of good. Aldon to all around him had not changed at all in terms of his attitude. He was still a kind man who helped whoever he could. He stayed with the temple head for many of those early years as he was the first one to defend him from what some of the townsfolk wanted to do to him. However this would be the first lesson on how his new found abilities could be a curse. One day the elder man like all mortal men could see his days drawing nearer to the end and could see how he no longer had time left. Finally on his bed he was taken in the night, it was a peaceful end considering the world they lived in. Aldon found the man laying still in his bed and Aldon weeped for the old man. As time went on Aldon saw everyone he had grown up with slowly grow old and pass away as the way of life took its course as Aldon was stuck disobeying this very law of the world. One night when the town was asleep he left knowing he had nothing left in the city and fled deep into the forest where he planned to live for the rest of eternity. In the deep forest split off from the rest of civilization he found a old castle that had been left from one of the many past wars. Here he stayed and studied all his powers had to offer. He learned all sorts of magic that would classify as evil if used in the wrong hands and arts that would shake even the most stone cold men. As he grew older he grew stronger as well almost as if the vampiric curse only added to the insult towards the laws of nature and life. As time went on he continued to hunt down monsters in the world trying to save humanity from the vast number of monsters that were bent on bringing about their destruction. He had even ran across some of his own kind who had turned along there time as a human as well, not that they were nearly as old as him at this point but still old perspectively. They had never been given the love and kindness he was shown when he first turned and were rightfully angry at humanity. It saddened Aldon to see such a thing happen to his own kind but knew he couldn't necessarily blame the humans either. He opened his gates to any vampire he could find showing them they no longer had to live their life in fear and anger but had a chance at life with love and kindness. Many centuresy passed as Aldon and those around him stayed within the castle only leaving to see the state of the world or to simple stretch their legs and search for others like them. All seemed good in the world until it descended. The Harvester. With brought the armies of demons straight from heel as it rampaged through the lands leaving no survivors in its wake. Seeing as the humans were unable to stop such a event Aldon gathered his armies of the undead he raised and his fellow vampire lords went to stop this creature and its armies. The battles were intense as Vampires and Demons clashed in the battlefields of Telduria that would determine the fate of the world. After a near 20 year war Aldons army finally came to the crater were the Harvester itself stayed. The actual events of the battle are unknown to all accept for Aldon and the Harvester but what is known was in the crater were the Harvester first appeared is where it was finally vanquished at the Hands of Aldon Athan. To most this would be a time of celebration and a time for parties, but this was not the case for the rulers of kingdoms who saw this most worrisome. The idea that a being as powerful as the Harvester who was able to desamat the world to such a point was able to be beaten by a person who as far as they could tell was immortal lived with in the world with them terrified them. They concluded that if this creature was allowed free rain over the world then there would be nothing to stop him. Not even a month passed the end of the war on the demons and Harvester the armies of man marched on the castle of Aldon and try to end him once and for all. Still away from the castle with most of his army and some of the other vampires he was unable to stop the destruction of his once home as the nations descended upon him hoping to crush him while he was weak. After the battles Aldon and the other Vampires fled into hiding leaving the humans to believe that they had succeeded in killing the powerful Aldon Athan. Aldon and the other Vampire lords fled to secluded parts of the world building their own castles remaining in hinding awiting the time when they would exact their revenge. Since then the name of Aldon Athan has been to lost to all but the ancient text hidden deep within the libraries and churches. To most he has become a legend and a horror story to children who is nothing more than just that, a story told to pass the time. Other [color=ed1c24]Theme-[/color] Castlevania symphony of the night metal cover. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S4g2nTXdQo[/youtube] [/hider]