Stella nodded at Kelan's goodbye. She felt like she should have said something more - probably complaining about being so sneaky about what the 'gift' was - but she couldn't think fast enough for that. Stella clicked her tongue at Natasha's use of the word "kids." She wanted to snap something at this space hotshot, but she was on a mission. Arguments were the opposite of stealth. Stella after all preferred to end arguments before they began. She regarded Eldrid's statement instead. "A mage... Not our problem, as long as we grab Realist." Stella felt a pang of apprehension. 'No doubt this mage will make himself our problem, though.' She melted back into the scenery, turning invisible as the group began making their way through the ship. She took advantage of the metal corridors to walk on the walls. Being invisible was good, but not walking the same way as anyone else made someone much harder to detect. 'Another perk, then. I used to have metal plates in my shoes and gloves so I could do this. Now my entire chassis-' Stella caught herself saying something a human wouldn't say. 'Skeleton is metal.' They didn't get far before they started seeing blood. As they progressed close to the core, the blood escalated into bodies. Stella dropped from her place on the wall to examine the scene. "This..." she muttered to herself. 'Looks like my work.' Stella finished her sentence in thought only. The sprays of blood, slashing and stabs... "Looks like Kelan was right about there being others here." Stella spoke, not bothering to drop her cloak. The dead guard's arm briefly rose up, then dropped with a soft thud. "Do we have any ideas on who would be interested in this ship other than us?"