[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181024/9880b19ff1b2c05440fd5808a0af727f.png[/img][/center][hr] [quote][code]“Alright troopers, I need you each ready and willing, then assembled in the hangar, we have a mission to go on.”[/code][/quote] [indent]Aysié Tapalo cracked her neck, the hum of her communicator as plain as day. The blonde-haired human was admittedly happy to get back to work. As much as she didn't mind her routine on the Tempest, she never really felt at 'home' within the walls of the spacecraft. But out in the field with a rifle in her hands? That was a different story. It was one of the many reasons that she often found herself needing distractions when not exactly in that position at a given time. Being stationary was too static for her, too unmoving, too [i]boring.[/i] And Aysié was not someone who took being bored well; she was a woman of action and nerve, not waiting around, making friends, and hoping that the job wouldn't bore her to death. When she found herself too bored the lingering thought of her career choice always wandered to the back of her mind. But sometimes duty meant waiting around for orders. As she took a light breath and started moving toward the barracks she found herself excited as she normally was. She was admittedly curious about the exacts of the mission; the possibilities of what scenario they could have been assigned rotating in her head like an out of control TIE Fighter with one wing. Lotho Minor was a planet of junk and even more junk, and the denizens of the planet were probably little better than the junk they surveyed. Aysié pondered if said denizens had taken something they weren't supposed to or if pirates or slavers or other commonalities of the Outer Rim were the issue, but she couldn't be quite sure enough to make an educated enough guess; certainly not an educated guess that [i]excited[/i] her. But even if her unit was assigned a boring job, it was better than doing nothing but training on the Tempest. As she gathered her equipment, she thanked the quartermaster and made for the hangar. By the time she arrived she noticed the voice of her squadmate, Kato Okoye, whom she quickly found her place next to in formation. She decided not to respond and waited at attention. [/indent]