Also, since this seems like a good space to talk about it, I finished Daredevil Season 3 over the weekend. Very, very good stuff. I was a little disappointed with the latter episodes because after sticking the landing as far as pacing with the first 7-9 episodes, 10-13 started to feel a bit repetitive. But it finishes strong, and should Netflix not cancel it as they did [i]Luke Cage[/i] and [i]Iron Fist[/i], it sets up a cool new status quo. By contrast, I also got around to watching the first two episodes of [i]Titans[/i]. Surprisingly, I really liked the pilot, "Fuck Batman." aside. The characters actually came across fairly true to form in personality, the ugly Starfire look honestly didn't look so bad in the show itself, and I really liked the handling of Raven's storyline. Episode 2... was not as good, as it immediately seemed to fall into television tropes that streaming shows are usually void of, such as bottom barrel acting and plotlines that barely tie into the overall narrative. But I'm more optimistic after having gotten a taste for it. If they can just stick to doing more of the superhero stuff and nix the "We're mature! We can say fuck alot!" grim-dark crap, we'll be good. High hopes for the Doom Patrol's appearance.