[center] [img=https://file-a2.gnotes.me/image?src=/files/upload/5648/MTEyOTYxNTA0Y2FwbTVuaDE=/201403/ca0a0b94b4274ab6ad29ac0962066518.jpg&width=460&height=460&crop=false] Name: Iris Nickname: Age: 17 Birthday: November 18 Origin: Species: Sapphire Spirit Hair color: Deep blue Eye color: Sapphire Skin color: Pale Height: 5'5 Build: Small Markings: Personality: Sweet and innocent. She is a bit immature for her age, but it only comes out as utter cuteness. She is fragile and sensitive, and runs away from any negativity that comes her way. She gets nervous and shy easily, but over all she likes to be around everyone, and wants to be liked by everyone. Background/history: She always was kept away from society due to her not knowing she had powers of her own. She was always looked at funny since the day she was born. She always had deep blue hair, and crystal like sapphire eyes. She was beautiful but too unusual for the world. Powers: Has the power to grow plants from her skin that radiates in hues of blues ranging from dark to light. Some of the plants she grows have different uses, healing, burning, etc. Weapons: [/center]