[quote=@Byrd Man] I'm gonna ask a Sep question that I know most of you motherfuckers are gonna answer because it's about how you write. And some of you seem to love doing that more than actually fucking writing your posts. [b]What creator or piece of media directly influences your stories and characterizations for this game?[/b] The answer doesn't have to be comic book related, but who or what do you draw the most inspiration from when you're writing? Is it a TV show, a certain writer's run on a comic book, maybe a movie or book series? What of the previously mentioned things influences you the most when you sit down to actually write? [/quote] This is an easy answer: Joss Whedon,and specifically Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss, IMO, just does the kind of comic book writing that I love, and the fact that he can mix the quippy dialogue I like with the more heavy themes and emotional beats that make you really fall in love with his characters. Plus I'm using the idea of having a bunch of normal people/friends who help the super powered badass teenage girl save the world thing he does so well. There's also stuff from the game...but I blame the game on being so damn good and fitting in with what I was already doing. [quote=@Witryso] So, I have my post ready, but it's rather short, at a little under 2000 characters. Should I take some time to beef it up, and is it okay for me to do so? [/quote] My opinion: A short post is better than agonizing over trying to put together a long one, especially if your're trying to get going with your character. We're still a "Casual" game for a reason. Once you get your feet under you and feel good about the direction of your character, then you can get into the bigger posts.