Reviews incoming: [@Hero][@Quincy] I don't have any issue with your characters from what I can see. [@Harlequ] I have a few minor nitpicks. There are a few grammar mistakes (such as Erusia, when it should be Erusea), and the extra spaces at each new segment could probably be dropped. Also, you can drop the Other section if you're not using it, or just write N/A. [@Magio] Okay, this isn't really a point, but I just wanted to say that I found your quote funny. Back when I was in junior high, PE had just ended and we were heading back inside. However, someone decided they were going to punt the football back into the field, but my, uh... forehead was in the way, and the football clonked me right in the head and knocked my glasses off. I suppose Dae and I are alike in one way or another. :lol Anyway, back to the actual review: I like the CS, but I do have some issues. Are you going to use the blue you have listed at the top of the CS? If so, can you replace the spring green section headers with that color? I'd also would prefer that you included the gray text to the information within each section to keep things uniform. You might want to center his quote too. Other than that, my only complaint is the biography section. I understand that his sister opposed his desires, but is that why he was sent to his uncle? I do think you could expand on it, perhaps with that event being a driving factor for Dae in the roleplay. [@liferusher] As I said in the previous review, please replace the spring green headers with the hexcode you used for the character name header. I do feel as the likes and dislikes section is somewhat messy, so it might be best to fix it up a bit. You can also nix the Other section if you don't plan on using it or just put N/A. [@geminironin] Some sections, such as the Physical Description and Personality sections, are rather light and vague. If you could expand on them some more, it would be appreciated. Also, just a minor nitpick, but if you could keep to the format of the CS (subbed section headers, gray text), that also would be appreciated, too. Edit: [@Rabidporcupine] Sorry, I forgot to drop a review for you too since I missed your CS, but they're just cosmetic nitpicks. As said before, please keep to the same color as your character name header for the section colors, as well the gray text. Also, if you could drop the centered sections, that would be appreciated.