[@Shadow Dragon] Ophion came upon the figure of a wraith in the distance, moving nonchalantly through the streets. He quickened his pace, alert but not alarmed. The figure didn't seem to be hurting anyone, but he was somewhat unnerved by the calm at which the dracons around it acted. Normally, one would imagine that the crowds would panic upon seeing an undead creature. Indeed, they would panic in almost any other city or town but Minbenthac. People here had grown far too accepting of danger for their own good. "Excuse me! Out of the way, please! Hold there! Wait! I mean you no harm, but be warned, I'm prepared to defend myself if need be." Ophion stood in front of the wraith, prepared to cast spells if he had to. "I am Ophion, of Minbenthac. This city is under my protection. State your name and business!" [@bloonewb] Ternoc sighed as he heard that story. "Cute as it may be, that tale is somewhat reminiscent of Dememoras, another self-proclaimed 'emperor' who rebelled against authority in order to declare himself a greater one. He became worse than the thing he hated, all with the approval of his conscience. If anything, your tale should be taken as a cautionary one about not becoming the monster you seek to destroy." He took another sip of wine, then spoke again. "It still makes no difference. No dracon king will accept the title of emperor for himself nor tolerate it from another on this continent, even if the 'emperor' in question is a kobold." He took another bite of his food. "Plus, that really does come off as a wish-fulfillment story. A kobold strangle a dracon and his entire guard? come on."