[center][h2]Vindicator[/h2][/center] It seemed that the criminals were not going to be as easy as he thought. Those bears with gun did complicate things, but that wasn't going to stop him from dishing out brutal and vengeful justice. Criminals would die today! Between the shots being fired he quickly came out of cover and shot a bear right in the head and blowing out his fluff brain. That's when he heard the authorities arrive and the loud voice of a women coming a microphone. [i]"This is the Mustafu police department. Please come out with your hands up. I repeat, please come out with your hands up. You...and the Vigilante."[/i] Nicholas was furious after listening to the warning. "Vile enabling scum! They will not stop my quest for purging the world from villain scum!" he growled with pure hatred. The police were a symptom of the sickness of crime in society and them not taking out the criminals meant that they would continue to infest the world with their evil and corruption. [i]"I'll only tell you one more time. Come out with your hands up!!"[/i] This again made inner fury rise up from within him and he would not hesitate with knocking out some police if they tried to stop him. After several moments of bullets flying back and forth he heard a woman's yell [i]"Put your hands up!"[/i] Nicholas heard the gunfire stop and came out from his hiding spot guns drawn and he glared daggers at the police chief. "I would suggest you leave before you get hurt enabler!" he said to the woman with a righteous fury to his voice. His mind was quickly going through the next potential plans for attack depending on how his foes would attack first. "I am Vindicator and I will have judgement dealt out today!" he roared. He saw another hero enter the bank. It was going to become chaos, but chaos was not something Nicholas worried about.