"Stick to your training, and you just might pull that off sometime [/i]before[/i] I die of old age." Lorag replied. Since the fight seemed to be over, most of the crowd that had been watching started to get up and disperse, after exchanging a few coin purses. Lorag, meanwhile, gave Narsi a simple wave for her to follow him. "What you're going to do for now is rest and recover at least a few hours while the potion does its work. No one ever made themselves stronger by givin' themselves a permanent injury. Now, I doubt you've got much of an understandin' of magic. Relying on it can make people soft, but even I've got to admit that mages do have their place. I've seen too much to not have learned that. A good healer can help you get every last little bit you can out of your training. They can help you find [i]exactly[/i] where your limits are before you're doin' more harm than good. We've got a lot of healers in the city assigned to the training areas; never fight without one. They let you fight harder to get more out of your training. Less limits than what you had with your mother. As long as you're not afraid of some pain, of course. I'm gonna go make sure the instructors know they're gettin' a new recruit. You...go find something to do. I don't care, really. Get to know the place. Meet in the square in five hours." [hr] Zharanthixil acknowledged Janius' answer, though did not say anything in response. He turned his attention back to Julan, then took the time to kneel down in front of him, which took no small amount of effort for him, as he had to use his cane to carefully support his weight as he lowered himself down. Zharan examined Julan closely, from his scales to the clothes he was wearing. He was not dressed much differently than anyone else in the village would be, but some of his belongings were clearly foreign. He had a satchel with metal buckles, filled with glass potion vials that his parents had given him for emergencies. He did not carry any weapons, apart from a knife that was meant more for utility. Although, its blade was clearly made of solid Dwemer metal. Zharan noticed all of the details, but focused more on Julan himself. [i]"Hmm, well maybe some of what your father says is actually true. You [b]do[/b] have the build of a hunter. Perhaps even more muscle than I would have expected."[/i] Some of Zharan's prior harshness appeared to fade from his expression, and he took on a more friendly tone. [i]"I don't care what else is in your bloodline, if [b]any[/b] of it is from my lineage, then you've had the makings of a great hunter from the day of your hatching. It has been the honor of our family to serve as warriors of this village for generations."[/i] Zharan gave a quick glance up to Kaleeth and Janius. [i]"I wish to speak to the boy for longer. You go and speak with the Elders, and try not to get yourselves removed from the village."[/i] Julan looked nervous to stay behind with his grandfather, but Kaleeth did not actually have any reason to deny her father.