She was wondering just what kept anyone, when who should appear but [i]Tatter[/i], with a quick entrance and a funny quip. Star chuckled at this, saying "I [i]am[/i] feeling better, honest.". The demon did, after all, feel kind of bad about her earlier outburst way further down into the dark recesses of the the Cathedral. It was never her intention to shout at Volaris like that. It was just that the Supreme Ones were the greatest, the wisest, and the most powerful of Yggdrasil. It didn't seem possible that nearly all of them could be consumed with the world as their domain passed through to this place. It shook her belief, for a while. These people were important to her, and now most of them were gone. That'll make anybody's day [i][b][color=ed1c24]HELL[/color][/b][/i], but at least her mood had improved. A bit of violence HAD helped, to be honest. Now, she was [i]about[/i] to explain about her return with a prisoner, since Tatter had mentioned that she would need a good reason to break stealth. Star had one, but the Ubergeist interrupted both her AND Lucius, who was attempting to make himself known. The reason, though... That was a good one. She noticed kind of the same problem that Tatter did, actually. [color=a36209]"Yeah, he [i]does[/i] look pretty bad, doesn't he? If you could make him more stable, but maybe leave the wings hurt? I don't want to have to chase if he tries to leave. That could get irritating."[/color] Not difficult, just annoying. He couldn't get away, but if he started running, she was gonna sic the Manticores on him. Number-15 was suppose to be [i]especially[/i] frisky right now. Could end up chewing him quite badly... [color=a36209]"Oh! Uhh... Anyway, the reason I came back is because I got some royalty. He is King Lucius of...ummm..."[/color] Well, [i]this[/i] was awkward. Star looked at Lucius, her expression one of puzzlement. [color=a36209]"Sorry, where do you come from again?"[/color] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dremoria... That was the name of the place, this country. He was disguised as King Lucius of Dremoria, and he was SO badass right now. The guards were eating this up. Either that, or they were [i]very[/i] good liars. Either way, it would all become extremely entertaining. The great wall loomed before them, and as the gate opened, Garlock could see what all the bustle he had been hearing beyond it was in reality. It was an outpost, a big camp to guard the wall. This was border guard stuff, no doubt with patrols going up and down the length of it to the next base and the next. Are you getting all this down, shadow? It was all going to be important later...for as long as it was intact. They all went to a medical tent, no doubt to get him fixed up. Good. He wanted to rock some mobility in this form, at least. Walking was only fun when he knew he was goofing off. This...was still fun and games, but it was a [i]different[/i] kind. It wa the kind with some stakes on the table and something to lose. True, they had more to lose, but HE wanted to ponce about as King. Can't do that if you don't play the [i]game[/i]. So saying, he still needed to play like he was an aging warlord trying to maintain his strength throughout now, as the captain got an obvious slave to get to work as he was placed upon a cot. Alskyra would have no trouble applying medicine or healing magic, dependent on what he had to work with. Since Garlock was not undead, he would not be hurt by actual healing power. However, since his health as at [i]full[/i], he would have to fake his recovery by making his form look like it was gonna mend itself according to his methods. Right now, of course, he looked like he was at the limits of a man, the state of a man who's been through hell and needed a fairly-sizable remedy. [color=9e0b0f]"If that is all there is, then let it commence. Make quick your work, healer. I have much to do, and I don't intend to lay dormant for long."[/color]