[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=fff200]Claire Winters [/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nFyOaXE.gif[/img] [I]Location:Patrol car, New York City, New York Interacting With: her partner and stupid couple[@Nallore][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Frankly there were a few different possibilities of how this was going to go, that passed through Claire's mind while she was making the arrest. Surely enough it went just like how she expected it to go... well one of the ways anyhow. The guy decided to run for it, generally the reaction of running away suggested guilty mind. He who has reason to be afraid of the police runs! It was just natural reaction to the mind really, if you know you are guilty and you aren't a professional criminal, your first reaction to being called out on it, would be to run away most of the times, according to Claire's observations[color=fff200].” I wished this wouldn't be the case this time, but ohh well...”[/color] She sighed and quickly dashed after him, making sure to not trip on the fallen old woman. If she stopped to help her, she'd lose him, so no choice here. As she ran after him, she pulled her radio and called her partner.[color=fff200]” Chasing after the man, he's running away and resisting arrest.”[/color] She informed him so he knows and continued to chase after him[color=fff200].” STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!”[/color] She called out to the running man, while dashing after him. He had already resisted arrest, so if she caught him, she could be more forceful. A smile appeared on her face as she recalled that fun fact. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=c4df9b]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/10/18/8e10189b3a15eb09ab7d0ade37aaeeec--kat-mcnamara-katherine-mcnamara.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Los Angeles, California Interacting With: Riley[@Nallore]and [@Jasonhero] Fumiko "Kuīn" Nakamura[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Arriving at their destination, Amelia was more pleasantly surprised than anything else. She had half expected some kind of big store, but it turned out to be way more ordinary than she feared. It was a ordinary housing building so the store probably was not some kind of out of the ordinary for only rich folk type thing.[color=c4df9b]” I see.”[/color] She replied quietly to Riley as they were making their way into the place. So this place was making Riley's album covers. Her curiosity was roused now too. Her initial estimation was somewhat off though. Sure enough it wasn't the most high costly thing ever, but the costs for the things that were displayed were bigger than what she was used to. As she paid a lil bit more attention to the brands of the different art supplies, she figured out why the prices were bigger. Of course the things here were better than what she usually got. As Riley suggested her to buy whatever she wants and that she's shouldering the bill, Amelia made a face of inner conflict. She didn't want Riley to pay, but at the same time she really needed some of these things. Then there was also the fact her friend was suggesting to more or less gift those, a fact which made her happy on the inside as she smiled shyly and looked down. [color=c4df9b]“Alright... but just this one time, okey?”[/color] She replied to Riley and quickly started walking about to pick up a good sketchbook and some pencils. Amelia didn't really need too much things, but the sketchbook was the most important after all. Without something to draw on, drawing was a process hard to accomplish! She was so drawing a superhero costume for Riley later...