Maybe Sam hadn't noticed the swords in the other two's hands. Maybe she had and had just assumed they were fake like the rest of their costumes. Either way she didn't give the weapons any thought at all initially. She was more focused on the one she assumed to be in charge. He did not seem at all amused by her wit, shockingly enough. His face looked cold. Maybe it was that coldness that finally made Sam go a bit uneasy and wish she had something within arm's reach to hold and defend herself, if the occasion arose. The man who was apparently in charge had been peering around her into her apartment, and then suddenly spoke. Not in response to her questions, but a barked order to the other two. Sam was too taken aback by the harsh tone of his voice for the words to really register in her mind, and then she was distracted by the fact that he was shoving his way past her into her home. "Excuse me but who do you think...HEY!" Her accusations to Mr. Large-And-In-Charge were cut off when she felt a pair of hands take her by each arm. Her head swiveled around to glare at the two other men, the ones holding her, and she realized stupidly what he had meant by [i]"Take her."[/i] Sam struggled against them, trying to pull her arms free from the hands that were holding them. It was, of course, pointless. Their grips were iron and they stood taller than her and probably had a good deal more strength than her, as well. As she tried fruitlessly to break free from them, she watched as the leader strode into the sitting room and flipped the couch over. "Hey, what are you doing?" she yelled at him, hearing a table and a lamp smash. She could see the cat there, where she had been hiding beneath the couch and she was looking up at the man with wide eyes. They were after...the cat? Why? What was happening? Who were they? None of this was making sense. And it started making even less sense as she watched the cat streak past the man advancing on her and down the hall, where she made a running leap and went straight through the mirror that hung there. The sight had made Sam go momentarily limp from shock. The cat had vanished, had sailed through the air and into the mirror's reflective surface like the surface hadn't been there at all. As though the ornate frame simple surrounded a gaping hole in the wall. That hadn't just happened, it couldn't have. Sam's mouth moved wordlessly as the man reappeared in the hallway. He ordered his men to follow him. [i]"Bring the girl."[/i] And then he too stepped through the mirror as simply as walking through a doorway and was gone from sight. Sam became very aware that she was the only girl in the room that they could possibly bring along with them and that there was only one place they could possibly be going. "No!" she began yelling, hoping that the walls weren't so thick that a neighbor could be awakened by the ruckus in here, and she began pulling back, away from the direction they were attempting to drag her. The iron grip they had on her had become even tighter, but her attempts to break away were slowing them down a bit. If Sam's heart hadn't been racing from fear at the moment she might had felt some pride at that. However the pride would have been short lived since the guards seemed to realize that it would be easier to carry rather than drag. Sam felt herself lifted off the ground and then the men were striding down the hall, carrying her between them with her legs kicking in the air. She yelled at them to put her down, to let her go, but fell silent when she was faced with the mirror. They carried her to it, without any hesitation that they would simply be smashing into a solid surface. Sam felt herself holding onto one last hope that whatever was making the cat and these men able to walk through it wold not work for her, but it was pointless. The men stepped forward into the surface and vanished into whatever lay behind the mirror, and Sam slipped through the surface along with them. It was dark, the room she now found herself in. There were lights, but they were flickering flames on torches and from candle lit lanterns. The walls and floors were made of stone and there was a coldness that bit through Sam's jeans and sweater, making her shiver. She wasn't struggling anymore, simply taking in these alien surroundings with wide eyes. She looked behind her to see her pale face looking back. There was a mirror on the wall, an exact copy of the one hanging on the wall of her apartment. Her apartment in a city in a state in a country that could be leagues away. Her head spun back around. "Where am I?" she shouted, at once getting her spirit back as she started fighting against her captors again. It was just a useless now as it was minutes ago, but the fact that she could still struggle gave her a bit of pride.