[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kR7NOK/Yui_Murata_Banner.png[/img][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@KoL] [hr] Gaia stopped and took attention to what Chie said only once she was high enough to feel safe...which turned out to be futile as the fight came to an end as abruptly as it had begun. If she had been confused at the reason for fighting, Yui was even more shocked at how [i]easily[/i] all parties stopped and split up. [color=a2d39c]"...but I'm...!"[/color] by the time those words came out, the Dark magical girl had slipped away through the trees. Gaia slowly hovered back down on the ground. As soon as her feet touched it, she felt a presence and a following voice from behind her. Before her stood yet another black haired girl Gaia knew to be of the Dark due to her aura only. [color=a2d39c]"It's not about fun...!"[/color] Gaia said, in an insecure, angry kind of way [color=a2d39c]"It's about...doing what's right! Helping people, and life, to keep on going on."[/color] As she said this, she smiled down at a flower blooming out of the snow thanks to her magic. The Dark Girl then walked away with a final answer. [i]Kindness[/i]. Such a different view of it than herself... Gaia called off her transformation before running after Luna. Before they were completely out of view, however, she had one glance at the group of Dark Magical girls who seemed totally unfazed by all of what just happened. The flower she had left behind wither to the cold, before finally dying and be covered by the snow. Soma had just told them something about her house before leaving. Yui raised her hand in trying to say something, but the Magical Girl was already gone. As for Luna, she seemed a bit more...meditative than earlier in the night. As such, Yui silently followed at first. [color=a2d39c]"You, uhm..."[/color] she began, hesitantly [color=a2d39c]"You said we delivered a message. But...is this why we fought? Was it...to protect our justice?"[/color] Yui had finally caught the name of her opponent form earlier: [i]Black Shot[/i]. Some of the things she said, and did, led Yui to think that maybe Luna was not entirely wrong about the Dark Magical Girls. Especially after what Yui [i]felt[/i] emanating from them, earlier. [color=a2d39c]"I felt so much...Darkness, earlier. In those girls...are they truly lost?"[/color] Yui would follow Luna back to her restaurant, house or wherever they would finally part ways before finally bowing to her in thanks for the meal of earlier, as well as for saving her and for the company. Despite everything, she was still glad to have met other girls like her. Before they parted ways, however: [color=a2d39c]"I was wondering...if we could meet again? After what happened tonight, and after seeing you and Soma fight I feel like I still have a lot of things to learn. Would you accept...to help me? Soma could be there, too!"[/color] she quickly added. After another extensive session of thank yous, Yui finally went her own way. If nothing else would stop her for the night, she's walk straight back to the ruined shed she uses as a garden and relax for a little while before falling asleep, due to exhaustion, amidst her flowers. Which were still blooming strong despite the cold weather and the snow outside.