[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUZOMWJpQkpjeUJYYjNKMGFHeGxjM00sLjAA/viking.regular.png[/img][/center] The past few years have been cold. The clans have been grumbling, unhappy, unrest has spread through the lands, but now... Now is when the full terror has set in. Sunna herself burns as she always had, and yet it seems her warmth and her light no longer penetrates this land true. The snow has begun. It has not abated since Winter's grip first set in, but the full knowledge is clear. Fimbulvinter has arrived. The end of days is dawning. [hr] Hello folks. According to Norse mythology, Ragnarok is preceded by Fimbulvinter. During this time, the sun does not provide any warmth, and snow constantly falls from all directions for three years straight, with no summer to break it up. With supplies increasingly becoming scarce, great greed sets in amongst the peoples of the world, and brothers fight fathers over a loaf of bread. This will be a low-fantasy RP set in a fictonal Nordic-inspired setting using this mythology, with our characters attempting to navigate these brutal 3 years, potentially even reaching into Ragnarok itself and Sutr's razing afterwards.