[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj4A42cIHmc[/youtube] [h1]Gaia / Town Pearl[/h1][/center] [hr] When Ami spoke up for herself whilst retaining her bright and vibrant form she made Lucius and his band of knights look to her in awe. Lucius's cold countenance was briefly humbled before her intense aura and stunning bared flesh. He could only look at her growing resentment towards him and her own group members. He held back an outstretched arm to keep his knights back. Even as Ami began to continue her speech higher into the air. "You will hear me!" He shouted in return. "There is no one else that deserves you more than me!" He cried. Despite his hardened glare his eyes glistened with welling water. Yet he could not look hard at Ami, his brows quivering as he looked to her like a sad puppy. One clad in bright dazzling jewels and attire that could feed a villager for a month. As her aura flared so did too his bright armor. His knights felt a charge of brimming divine and chaotic light. Ami's aura seeping into the chaotic as her power flowed in accordance to her mood and will. Being a child of divine light yet harboring the blood of the chaotic was no laughing matter. Violently the burst of light was absorbed into the knights's bodies. They then found themselves either on their knees from too much sunlight or brimming with energy. Lucius found himself brimming with energy and found Dremmick to be a perfect target for his disdain. Watching he beloved take to the skies. But as he thought of carving a marking of the sun on Dremmick's back after having him flayed in public he was interrupted by Mason. His large white wings, the markings of a strong blooded seraphim, made him appear more refined in Lucius's eyes. So he heard him if not only momentarily. Once Mason was done the royal from Vrondi looked disinterested. With Ami going higher into the sky he had no more reason to be here but to assure he safety. "I tire of you alliance lot already. See to it that you use your flight to keep her safe. I assume I can trust a member of the Aion. Which you are, are you not?" He climbed his horse as he spoke. Once done speaking he rode his horse, his knights quickly jumping onto theirs to follow, into town. Moving the crowd of people who were watching Ami out of his way. It was clear he was not interested in leaving just yet. But as the plant life began to grow he also needed to see how this transformation of Ami's would resolve. He did not mind the extra plants that sprouted around him. Felt more like home. However this was to the peril of the residents of Pearl. Their well trimmed and cobble stone homes and streets were being overgrown with wild plants. Chaotic light affected the entire town as she grew higher. Rivaling the falling sun. [center][h1]In Town[/h1][/center] [hr] It was a joyous time those who attended the strength competition had. The food for Allard was free and the news of him and Nailah spread among them quickly. However the bright lights and the growing wild vegetation alarmed some of them to the events going on in town. Pointing above the town one could make out Ami's position. Her wings and bright light was clear as day and flickered like a bright flame from a distance. The elder before Allard rubbed his chin in thought. "A fool throwing light in town.. or a warning. Let us see." He began to move towards town with the others. Soon they found the crowd who stared up at Ami in awe. Children being healed and warriors restored. They looked to their elder with bliss and told him and the others of her. Without much time they looked at Ami with respect and thanks. "Ah I see. Much ta thank err fur. But she leaves us with soooo much trimmin ta do! Ah small price ta pay.." He looked over to his cottage home with its flowers grown long and healthy. The elder looked to Allard. "This is a wondrous moment. The return of Allard, one of our lost boys.. and tha restoring of our guardians of pearl. Those chosen few bestowed upon by tha Queen with tha duty ta protect this town with their lives at all times. Unfortunate how they were injured.. But if it be true this healer of Vrondi's blessing has given them back ta us." He looked past Allard to see leaving the healing center were large figures. Their auras were immediately recognizable as calm yet wide. Like giants who shifted the winds they approached the elder, Allard, Nailah and the crowd behind them still rejoicing. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/f1/e0/bef1e0d6230f6c4a8149105a41da29e1.jpg]Om. [/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/7a/d9/a8/7ad9a830148831a386070aa867699165--death-knight-knight-armor.jpg]Erica.[/url] [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/983/812/medium/justice-wong-1-dragonthemanver2.jpg?1437535001]Galland their leader.[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/3f/7a/273f7a85736afe0636f3066098a01259.jpg]Grim, their odd man from Onyx.[/url] Each approached fully clad in their armor, though some of the damage from earlier was still seeped into their protection's hide. Each one approached with their height reaching around 8 to 11 feet. Their leader Gallant was the tallest. He approached Allard and removed his helmet. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/30/5d/fe/305dfee793e9eacf9590da5e0df376bf--character-concept-concept-art.jpg]His handsome face[/url] was still scarred from previous battles, and tattoos marked his personal pride. One for each child, wife and even kills. Though most of his markings could not be seen his gold tooth and hardy smile while reaching for Allard's forearm to grasp made it clear he was a seasoned man of Gaia and Pearl. The others saluted Allard with a clang of their chests, all except for the black armored knight from Onyx. Who simply stood waiting. "It is a pleasure to see you have returned home brother! These past times have been a troubling to say the least. Your return however has marked a turn of this terrible tide of woes!" He laughed heartily. His voice nearly echoing as he shouted with amusement. "I remember when your father was teaching you to milk a cow and you nearly ripped off its utters in frustration! God I do not know which will get me more drunk tonight! The memories or the drink! Let us celebrate tonight!" He roared. The crowd of those who heard him shouted in agreement. Rowdy men, playful children, gossiping mothers and happy elders were bustling in the town. Even as the sun lowered to make way for night. "Please join us! Bring your friend too!" Galland winked to Nailah. He couldn't help but notice her in this crowd of giants. [center][h1]Savvan's Inn[/h1][/center] [hr] Soon the group of knights were inside Savvan's inn. The lute of the bard still strumming gently, as he had just recently taken a break to consume food and wine to loosen him up for the night. Each knight sat at a large round table. They sat at a stone pearl table above the other guests. A full serving of food was nearly instantly ready for them to enjoy. Drink was fat and so was the meat. Their seats were huge to fit their large bodies and comfort for their wings that were folded as best they could at their backs. Galland lifted a cup for the others to enjoy. They sighed and loosened their armor. Revealing each of their visages. [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/115/557/large/lius-lasahido-lovely-her.jpg?1440419041]Erica[/url] was recognizable to Allard as a young girl who once was in town. Though always younger than him or Galland she was often seen in the market helping stock supplies for her families shop. Om was visibly dragonkin yet his eyes were deep with emotion and thought. The opposite of how he appeared under his helmet. [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/332/1/9/lancelion___aeoniran___cbust_by_kharnage-d4hmxie.jpg]Grim[/url] was a sly looking fellow. His black wings matched his armor, the Onyx preference, and his dagger which he used to cut the meat was of a hunters. 8:00 PM