Annnnnnnd done, sociopath guardsman at the ready for your consideration. [hider=Hybrid Guardsman] [hr] [h1][color=662d91]Strar Havensworn[/color][/h1] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color] Strar Havensworn [color=92278f]Age:[/color] 24 [color=00a99d]Gender:[/color] Male [color=92278f]Sexuality:[/color] Pansexual [color=92278f]Race:[/color] [color=1a7b30]Levonian[/color] / [color=ec008c]Andorian[/color] [color=ec008c]Kingdom: Primfira[/color] [color=92278f]Appearance:[/color] Standing at about Six foot Two, and weighing around One hundred and Seventy pounds, Strar stands out as one of the rarer hybrids of people, with the pale skin and brown eyes of an Andorian, the redish hair of a Levonian, and the lean build with more rough edges from a combination of the two. He wears simple clothing, however he's stitched an elaborate pattern of beautiful symbols onto the back of his cloak, and he has a fondness for jewelry, such as the necklace with the ruby in the center he carries around in his pockets, yet never wears. [color=1a7b30]Occupation:[/color] [b]Guardsman[/b] Although he renounces putting himself before others, he took the job of one of the guardsmen for the Royal Family, as both a way of getting closer to them, and keeping his life entertaining. [color=662d91]Personality:[/color] From birth, he's looked at others as pawns. In fact, every human whose ever lived is a pawn in a large chess game, including himself, but that doesn't mean he's not going to take advantage of and manipulate every single person he can. It's hard to tell at times if he thinks of himself as higher or lower then the rest of humanity, but either way, he's got his own agenda. On the outside, he's a man of charm, honor, and empathy, but deep on the inside, a cunning, intelligent, and deceitful mind lurks, always coming up with a way to get what he wants and mess up the lives of those who even think of crossing him. He's not completely heartless, but many of his so called ''Mercy Kills'' were just excuses for him to get rid of a future problem. [color=662d91]History:[/color] Much of his past is unknown, he avoids the subject fairly well, though it's been derived that he once lived in Earthica, the son of a Levonian farmer and a Andorian traveler, neither identified as of yet. He lived under the custody of his Levonian parent, until the day came when he supposedly stole the weapon of one of the warrior trainees, who had a particular disliking for Strar. With a week deadline, Strar prepared himself for the upcoming duel that had been initiated by the trainee, and when the time came, the duel ended with a short sword made of scrap metal, plunged directly through the wind pipe, pinning the un-moving form of the trainee to a tree. He mentioned that it had been an act of mercy, as his opponent had been much larger and stronger then Strar, and it would have shamed him to go on living, knowing he had lost to a hybrid shrimp. It's unknown if this is a fabrication or not, though it's very clear that if his story is true, there must have been some form of foul play involved in the duel, as Strar has never mentioned any training in combat until he arrived in Primfira. Primfira has been his home for over five years now, with his third year spent in training to join the ranks of the guardsmen for the Royal Family. He claims he wanted to help defend the rulers of one of his parents homes, but if one analyzes his words enough, it's clear there's more going on, though it's currently unclear as to what. Odd things sometimes happen around the castle, and he's always around when they occur, to either observe, or to "Clean up the mess." One might say he's a model warrior and guardsman, but a battle of the minds is going on behind the scenes, and he enjoys every moment of it. [hr] Weapons: [i]A Longsword[/i] [hider=Said Blade] [img][/img] [/hider] Always strapped onto his belt is a long bladed sword with an odd guard design that seems to have a disarming function for ending a fight quickly without spilling any blood. [i]A Halberd[/i] [hider=Poleaxe] [img][/img] [/hider] [hr] Skills: [list] [*] Intelligent- Always plotting, he often thinks of ways to handle problems in unexpected ways that would make him a good spy, or tactician, but why would he do either of those? He's the type to think of ways to win fights using devious tactics that others usually can't pick up on. He's even thought of a few ways of poisoning the current ruler of Primfira, though he has decided against it at least for now. [*] Farmer-He knows how to grow his own food, which proves that he at least lived in Earthica for a while. Because of this, he can often use the food he's grown for more then keeping himself alive, such as convincing lower class citizens or other guards to do a bit of dirty work for him. This skill has also given him the ability to identify certain plants and create low grade tools and weaponry. [*] Manipulation-He often can poke at the mental weak spots of others, and often times has used this to weaken the resolve of potential enemies. He has a good ear for rumors and often isn't noticed when the dark doings are going on, meaning he has a plethora of dark and incriminating secrets about others. [/list] Scar(s): A long scar runs along his back, and a few smaller ones dot his left arm. Tattoo(s): None to speak of. Additional Information: He prefers breaking others mentally over full on combat or torture, as this leaves others open for him to manipulate, meaning he possibly has more people at his beck and call or around his finger then one might expect. [/center] [/hider]