[@Zelosse][@I Need A Name][@AdmrlStalfos19][@1Charak2] [h2]Kirisama Thug Life[/h2] During their villainous reign, the Soai-kai were basically just building up income and such through racketeering and forcing tolls and stuff on the usage of roads heading in and out of Kirisama. They also set up large greenhouses and labs for making drugs, which they would then export out of Kirisama to other countries in Asia. Though as a organization they also got into human trafficking, that particular thing wasn't what the branch in Kirisama dealt with. If civilians within Kirisama got antsy, they either had their fingers cut off or, if proven to be a big nuisance, disappear and then show up dead three days later, usually in a pretty gruesome manner. They didn't really bother people who straight up left the town at any point, but if anyone got in their head that they wanted to try being a one man army, they'd get rekt pretty hard. Even getting uppity with the Soai-kai was grounds for physical punishment, usually doled out by their lower level thugs.