Kaleeth was slow to move, and seemed altogether uncertain as she left her father's hut. Zharanthixil had given them directions to find the elders, but she still ended up looking around the village aimlessly, unmoving from the front of Zharan's home. Most of the village were going about their business, but of course, visitors to the village were more than rare enough to attract quite a bit of attention. Even moreso once people began to recognize who Kaleeth was. She felt their eyes on her, which only served to put more pressure on her, though she did not know why. She had hardly began to process everything that she had just learned, and it was already overwhelming her. She was only a few steps away from the front of Zharan's home before she leaned up against the nearest hut, and lowered herself down to the ground. Without so much as a word to Janius, she lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, and began cry without reservation, despite the eyes on her. [hr] Ahnasha, Fendros, and Rhazii had been in Cheydinhal for the majority of a week. Meesei came and went occasionally to check up on them, but they had been staying in the inn for the most part, when they were not visiting with Fendros' family. Though, even then, they tended to stay away from the vineyard, just to avoid any potential unpleasant confrontations. Already, Ahnasha was starting to show some hints of frustration at the fact that they had been in the city for so long. Compared to their livelihood in their clan, being in Cheydinhal was restrictive. There was some entertainment to be had in the city, but she could not leave to hunt, since her family might arrive at any time. She was stuck exclusively in her Khajiit form for longer than usual, and though she had more than enough control to deal with it, it was still irritating to have a frustrated beast spirit. She had no outlet for training, physical or magical, so when away from Fendros' siblings, she was mostly doing nothing. Despite the fact that it was well-past morning, Ahnasha was still laying in the bed. She and Fendros, of course, shared a room, while Rhazii had his own, since they had intended to stay a while in the city. Ahnasha had been awake for a while, but was in no hurry to get up. She was stretched out and splayed across the bed, looking lazily over at Fendros across the room. She could tell he had been having an easier time in the city; even for a lycan, Ahnasha did not particularly like to feel trapped. "Say, have you thought of any actual explanation for why we're here? To tell my family, I mean. I've been trying, but it's hard to come up with some believable reason that we could be here, all the way from Skyrim, before my family even arrived."