In case you decide to check the OOC first, go read the IC post first. 'Cause this kinda has spoilers, otherwise. [hider=The Rest of this Post] Have a picture reference: [hider=Ghent's Weapon] [img][/img][/hider] I had fun editing that together. xD Of course, if you don't like it or would rather something else, just let me know! And since he has that book, you're welcome to make up focus words! I've been mixing different Latin words for them and giving them a bit of my own twist for the others. The journal has mostly beginner stuff. Simple, low-level instructions and focus words that even a common Wonderlander could potentially use at one point in time. And everything that's written up in the information post about magic would also be in there. I will let you know if/as I update it! And of course, as Drust said, if you have any questions or want to know if something would be possible/work or not, don't hesitate to ask! [/hider]