[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181005/41c405fb97b9e0467e0a0c258c7e14f0.png[/img][/url] [sub]I guess kind of interacting with: [color=f7976a]Varis[/color] [@Achronum][/sub][/center] [hider=Evening]Varis emerged from his room just as Aaron was clearing away his dishes, dressed to the nines and outlining the plan for the day. As Varis finished, Aaron glanced at his watch, making a mental note. [color=CBBA2E]"Three o'clock."[/color] he confirmed, then ducked quickly into his room to grab his sword before following Varis out, securing it to his hip as he went with practiced ease. Varis locked the door behind them, and Aaron was reminded that he didn't have a key. Not only did he have to be back by three, he noted, but he probably couldn't get back any earlier. He set an alarm on his phone for 2:45am and made his way behind Varis to the main campus, where they parted ways.[/hider] Aaron fell into the middle of the mage group, absently following those in front of him as he looked around wide-eyed at the sights around the campus. The air was alive with magic and excitement for the most part, and the energy was intoxicating. Before long, Aaron found himself grinning wide in anticipation, forgetting for the moment his worries and anxieties as he watched the wonders the upper-level students performed all over the campus lawn. Of course he didn't miss the few mages in the crowd who did their best to sink into the ground, looking very self-conscious with leather straps or chains around their necks. Aaron caught the eye of one, who looked to be struggling to keep his composure, and offered a reassuring smile. For all he knew, he might be in the same position by the end of the night. He grimaced at the rancid smell of cigarette smoke as someone walked behind him, but his spirits returned to him as a bird swooped by, its glistening form revealing it was actually made of water. Aaron watched it as it fluttered past the crowd, stifling a laugh and covering the guilty smile on his face when it drenched a girl at the head of the pack. Soon after the group approached a building labelled Rose Hall, and started filing in. Aaron paused at the door, letting some people go past him as he looked out over their heads, hoping to see a spot of white among them. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything, and soon followed the rest inside, taking a seat one row back from the front of the stage. He listened intently to the Headmaster's speech, eyes softening with empathy every time the old man succumbed to his coughing. It was an issue that plagued his mother; she'd come down with a crippling respiratory infection when he was about seventeen, and her lungs never quite recovered. With the Headmaster, though, Aaron was pretty confident the issue came with age. He noted the Headmaster's counsel about vampire-mage relationships, then jumped as one of the doors behind them slammed open. But then a gentle, floral breeze washed over him and he immediately relaxed. He'd recognize that anywhere. Sure enough, when he turned to look there was Sariel, Ms. Stylish Entrance herself, striding down the aisle. when she caught sight of him she gave him a wink, and Aaron smiled warmly. He'd only known Sariel for a few years but she had played an integral part so far in what little aspect control he had, and she was an uplifting presence in what could sometimes be an otherwise dreary and stiff environment at Noila castle. She was, as could be expected, suitably decked out for the occasion in Noila colours, all golds and sapphires gleaming in the stage lights. Aaron couldn't help but inwardly chuckle. He looked on with a knowing smile as Sariel made her presentation, and had to quietly laugh at her closing remark. He was tempted to go up and say hello to her, but he figured there might be other students with more pressing concerns and he didn't want to take time away from them. Instead, once Sariel released them he stood and made his way to where the various student clubs and societies had set up tables. A few caught his interest - one for an arcane study club, one for affinity practice, one for a student orchestra - but he made a beeline for one in particular: the Arena Guild. The Arena Guild booth was nicely decorated with all sorts of well-made information displays including what the club did, how they operated, and several images of the club crest. It also featured a few weapons on display - an axe and a shortsword - as an example of some of the activities they offered. It was staffed by two upper-level mages (they were actually probably around Aaron's age - he knew he was a bit older than a lot of the first years), a dark-skinned bald man and a tall blonde woman, chatting excitedly to each other and other interested first-years about the various exploits of the Guild. Aaron and the Guild representatives exchanged greetings when it was finally his turn to speak to them, introducing himself only as Aaron, a new student. "So you're interested in swordplay are you, Aaron?" The woman asked, gesturing sarcastically to the sword on his hip. Aaron couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the question, putting a hand on his pommel and rubbing the smooth brass with his thumb. [color=CBBA2E]"Call it a family tradition."[/color] They chatted for another minute or so before Aaron finally asked, [color=CBBA2E]"Do you think it would be possible for you to help me find a sparring partner for later today?"[/color] "Oh, totally!" replied the man, whose name was Joseph, sliding a piece of paper and a pen across the table. "We have lots of members who are always looking for an excuse to get into the Arena, just fill this out so we can get an idea of your skill level and match you to someone suitable." Aaron smiled and set to work filling out the form, moving out of the way of other students and stooping over a corner of the table. It was mostly basic information and a self-declaration of skill level, and he couldn't help but grin to himself as he circled "Advanced".