[quote=@Liseran Thistle] [color=thistle]Haven't apologized yet, but today I found out that by "We'll turn it on whenever you need to do homework" they meant "Your mother will use her shitty samsung hotspot for all of your school assignments, also we don't want you staying after school to finish your work because we're impatient assholes", so guess who just sent a long ass email to her HCC teacher that she may not be able to finish any of her fucking essays because her parents don't wanna wait for her outside the school parking lot for 20 goddamn minutes?[/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/images/42b51b25bd2911973c0df589989503b4/tenor.gif[/img] [color=thistle]I know every teenager says this, but I legitimately can't wait when I can move away to college and only have to deal with asshole freshman and cynical seniors, at least I'd get shit done around them, here I'm re working my schedule because neither of my parents have ever written a college essay in their life, let alone one every week like I'm doing now.[/color] [color=thistle]I'm just glad I have something like In Stereo to keep me busy a little, because if I was just dealing with their tantrums 24/7, I'd have run away or some shit years ago.[/color] [color=thistle]in better news, my grandparents are here to look at our new house, and I guess the only plus side to living in these new digs is that my room has a lock on it, so now I can ignore my parenta peacefully without fear of them barging in, and beating the shit out of me whenever we argue.[/color] [/quote] See, I never had to actually worry about that. My parents usually put my school work first though they tried to find ways to arrange around their schedules so I wasn't literally left at school all night. If I had to stay after school, and they couldn't pick me up, someone would. Especially if it helped with my grades. Though I will admit I was a college drop out because my loans were messed up and I couldn't fix them before I was locked out of my classes online. -_-