She said 'wow' he responded. [color=gold]"I know."[/color] Proud that he managed to keep his ship in such condition. The ship was home, not like other ports of call. This was a nobles ship, modified for some fire power. He wished it would be a bit faster, but in return, he kept the living arrangements, mildly comfortable. Other ships were floating disease dens and pits of misery, even for the crew. He wanted to gloat but he kept things mysterious for now. [color=gold]"Don't we all."[/color] The captain seemed to disregard her in a way that would be apathetic and dismissive. Like he was trying to keep a demeanor of calculated repulsion and attraction. He didn't want her getting too comfortable, like she was a rat in a snake den, even if they were alone. The captains boots strode confidently through what could generously be called his room, a rack hanging nearby that he set his hat on and wiped his hands through his hair, and letting the mess fall back into place. He then strode to the table, it seemed pretty chaotic, strewn with the plates, the remains of breakfast as well as a couple sacks, a scale, a big old tome with columns and names, and other various brick o brack. She could even see a few silver coins, but the Captain noticed first, he picked them up and tossed them into one of the sacks before tightening it. He cleared the spot and rolled it back out before heading towards a wall, a glow of a lantern being held as a map held, framed, and drapped on the wall with all sorts of instruments around it. The faded coast lines along with faded words. There was Fiore towards the end of the Ishtar Penninsula. All of Earthland illustrated for them. [center][img][/img] (A bit like this, but less color obviously)[/center] [color=gold]"Lets hope you weren't swindled Madame Cassandra."[/color] He hinted as he took a spot on the table opposite her. He looked down at her map, her book. It all seemed very authentic but she spoke fast. Like a snake oil sailsmen, and to be honest the more she spoke, the less trustworthy he thought her. He held up a hand as if to quiet her. [color=gold]"Whoa whoa, my dear please. Just cause I offer my esteemed hospitality doesn't mean I'm interested in yer little treasure hunt. I have more then forty treasured friends and family to look after. And as far as I know, this all might be part of some incredibly elaborate, if a little poorly thought out ruse. Obviously we lead a very dangerous life, and trust, well, trust is hard to come by. I'm planning to hear what you have, then see if you're legit. See if anyone can vouch for you in the next port. Savy?"[/color] He said, implying that she understood. Regardless he would listen to the rest of her explanation, a strategy that she'd 'baffle him with baulderdash' as she spoke. Still, she made a number of little assumptions, namely about knots, and he cracked a small and gave a little titter. [color=gold]"Knots, my dear Cassandra, are an hour per nautical mile. So, for instance, your, 3.5 knots, would be three and a half hours if we sail at one knot."[/color] He would correct her if she didnt understand but did look at her map, her work. [color=gold]"Hmm... According to your map, its passing the Maid's Capes. But, we're a bit off from Port Fiore, instead next port is, here, Chiascuro, on Caelum. We'll have to head back the way we came, and we just sacked a ship while you were snoozing, so we're not going back there anytime soon with the navy about. Suggestion would be to head west til we reach the shore of this island and then North East to get back on track. Few days trip."[/color] He pointed his finger along the suggested paths, and addressed the map, the shipping lanes in dotted lines. [color=gold]"Does that book say how long we head north to?"[/color] Past the kingdom of Seven, there was almost nothing else, and it seemed that way all to the border. It could be a long trip indeed. Beside himself, the captain seemed to be interested in this little plan of hers. Atleast the logistics of it. As he spoke, as he seemed to get on her level, he almost seemed damn near approachable. He even went to a cubard nearby admidst their plans and got a copper mug. He pulled a cork with his teeth and poured some strong smelling alcohol into the cups. Rum, or brandy. He brought the bottle and the cups, leaving one on her side before going back to his. [color=gold]"Could be quite a voyage. And if that's the case, suppose we'll be workin together. You can call me Cap'n Fenix. But the shipping lanes call me Calypso. Spirit of Sea, Storms, and Discord."[/color] He took a drink and raised it to her. [Color=gold]"I'm hoping you're the real deal. These treasure hunts is why most kids turn to the sea. That small chance to find a box in the sand and become a king. Is that yer goal Cassie?"[/color]