[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/e9enDd/luna_titlecard_a.png[/img][/center] [b][color=palegoldenrod]“I’ll... try to find it out,”[/color][/b] would be Luna’s reply to Soma’s very helpful description of her address, however, the unrepentant loner was already out of her sight when she even thought about it. Thankfully, Yui stuck around. Going back home on her own was the last thing that Luna wanted after what happened tonight. [b][color=palegoldenrod]“We did what we had to do and they did what they had to do. In the end, whoever is closest to true Justice shall prevail,”[/color][/b] Luna replied in a bit of a convoluted way, uncertain of how to explain her beliefs to the other girl. At her age, Luna understood very well how to act on what she believed, but wasn’t nearly as good at putting it to words. [b][color=palegoldenrod]“Think of it like someone going through a deep, dark tunnel. It’s natural that you think that you are lost when you can’t see anything ahead of you even when you have a lantern. But, when you hear the whistle of a train coming from behind you, you’ll forget about that and try to run to the exit even if you don’t think you can see it yet.”[/color][/b] [b][color=palegoldenrod]“It’s the same them and we. Or at least I believe so, since that’s what my sister used to believe into,”[/color][/b] Luna said in an introspective voice. [b][color=palegoldenrod]“Anyway, let’s put that aside,”[/color][/b] she added a moment later, flashing a smile at Yui. [b][color=palegoldenrod]“Of course, we can meet again. I’ll try to show everything you wanna know, though I’ll warn you that we have a busy week before us, But, if you can endure it, I promise we’ll have the best Christmas to look forward to!”[/color][/b] Luna said shortly before she parted ways with Yui. [b][color=palegoldenrod]“Yes, a nice and white Christmas just like back then...”[/color][/b] Luna said to herself in a melancholy void as she made her way up the hills of Old Miso City accompanied by nothing but the monotone of snow being crushed under her steps. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iQDdsteSr0[/youtube][/center] The week to come would indeed be a packed one for Luna, and any of the other light magical girls that felt like joining her. The blonde worked hard on eliminating every single nightmare that she could find, almost launching a vigilantesque crusade against the monsters. She would spend time with the other girls and especially fulfill her promise to Yui, teaching her everything that she could — or not — wish to know about Miso City as long as Luna herself was aware of it along with some fighting lessons. Given that the year was about to end and she had passed the last tests before the winter break, Luna skipped after-hours practice in the Kaname Academy Kendo Club for the upcoming days. Instead, she focused on her magical girl duties, going out of her way to get Soma to join them. However, even after she parted ways with the girls every day and went back home, Luna still continued to fight. It was a fact that, even if it was a time of the year supposed to be full of joy and celebration, the last week of December was also full of depression, dark thoughts, and uncertainty creeping on people’s minds. Seeing the happiness in others’ lives while faking your own for the sake of not dragging everyone down was a sure fire way to spiral down the darkest corners of one’s mind. And for this reason, the number of Nightmares at this time of the year was incredibly higher than normal, even for Miso City. The newcomers wouldn’t be able to notice anything during their patrols, however, since Luna fought day and night, so that the normalcy of the city could be preserved, even if for one single night. She had something to look forward to after all, not only a party with her new friends — or so Luna hoped — but also something more. Something that made all of her efforts worth of it, [b][url=https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2943885]Luna[/url][/b] thought as she checked her watch one last time before getting into the karaoke bar where the light magical girls were supposed to celebrate their first Christmas as a true team… [hr]