[hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d27ab5e7-ae00-4588-bcef-305ed7c8427f.png[/img][/center] [code]Hillview High[/code] [sub][@FernStone][@Surtr Inc][/sub] [hr] Thankfully, the now-typical scenario that Paige had found herself in also progressed how it usually did. That was, her hauling ass as best she could in her condition, while someone else put their life on the line to save her. This was Caelea: the same girl who had rescued her from the bugs in the tunnel at John Reid's place. Another life debt; that made three since she was in the cafe earlier on the same day. Not a good habit to get into, but apparently just another day in the office for a disabled Awakened. Paige's thoughts briefly went to the mornings she'd spent on the edge of town, trying and trying again to walk without her crutch, but always failing to keep her balance. If she valued her continued existence, she'd have to work on that, a lot. Paige figured they made quite the sight, the two girls fleeing from unimaginable horror, her dressed in her typical all-white getup alongside an actual literal albino. Not that looking strange had ever really been something that made her uncomfortable; if it had, well, she'd have had a lot of issues by now to say the least. Either way, there were more important problems taking place right now. "Thank you," Paige said sincerely, as she and Caelea ran onwards. "I promise I won't forget this." She meant it. It truly meant a lot to her that someone else would be willing to risk their own life for hers, especially when they'd met the same day. No matter how 'typical' it might have become, it remained incredibly meaningful for her, and she would repay that debt if she ever got the chance. The same went for Penny. It didn't especially matter when or where, but Paige had to repay the people that had saved her life. And that was a serious problem right now. Paige hadn't seen where Penny went; she could be in serious danger, or even dead. As frustrating as it was for her, there wasn't anything she could do to help Penny. She'd have to get out on her own. Paige told herself that she'd only have been a hindrance anyway and kept going. It wasn't much longer before they came across two of the others: Kimberly and Jordan. She saw Jordan getting up off the floor and wondered what had convinced her she should get down in the first place. "What are you doing?" she asked, as close to yelling as she could really be while this out of breath. "We need to get away, right now!" Assuming Caelea was with her, Paige then picked up the pace again, probably moving at a similar speed to what the other pair could manage, given the similarity of their circumstances. The Glutton was dealing with the Awakened easily, as if they were nothing. Which sparked the thought: if it wanted them dead, why hadn't it just killed them all itself in the first place? Paige pushed the thought aside for the time being. Right now, she had to focus on just surviving.