[center][h2][color=82ca9d]Accommodating Chaos[/color][/h2][/center] [center]A colab between myself and [@solokolos][/center] [hr] [hider=Hider] [i]”Why is it always fucking Mariah Carey”[/i] Visage thought as her drink finally arrived. She could almost smell the water in the Jack Daniels. Disgusting. If the contact she had come to meet actually showed up, it’d do good to inform them why they should never visit this bar again. Despite her internal anger, she drank her shitty drink and waited in the shitty bar, for a hopefully less than shitty Mire to show up. Mariah Carey continued to play over the static ridden speakers regardless of Visage’s lack of effort. Madison toddled into the bar and looked around, she wasn’t quite sure what this “Visage” girl looked like but they’d organized to meet at the bar itself as to save time. And aside from a few lonely gentlemen there was a [i]bouncy[/i] woman. So this was the person offering her work, Madison could do much worse that was for sure. But Madison wasn’t here for a pretty face she was here for a job and it was time to see what this woman had to offer, so Madison made her way over and took a seat next to Visage. [color=cadetblue]”Hello!”[/color] Madison said in a chipper tone. Turning slowly, Visage looked at [i]Mire[/i] with a questioning, and then understanding gaze. [b]”Hello. I’m guessing you’re Mire. It must’ve been hard to find me, with us being the only ladies here and all that.”[/b] She flourished her hand. There were other woman present, and Visage was definitely trying to insult them. [b]”Do you wanna stay here, or walk and talk?”[/b] Genuinely. Visage didn’t seem to have a preference. [color=cadetblue]”I vote walk and talk! Then we can talk about,”[/color] Madison would lean in and whisper. [color=cadetblue]”All the fun stuff.”[/color] Madison slid off her seat taking a moment to look Visage up and down before shooting her a hand. [color=cadetblue]”Also call me Madison, actually no call me Maddy. Maddy sounds better for sure.”[/color] Standing up, Visage pushed away the drink with the slightest bit of disgust. Turning away right before Madison offered the handshake, she started leading the way out of the bar. [b]”I prefer Maddy as well.”[/b] She said, pushing out the door, and holding it open for Maddy. She scanned the street out of habit, but it was dead, midday not drawing many people to this shitty neighborhood. Maddy tilted her head as Visage walked off seemingly ignoring the handshake offer. Maddy frowned and followed after her hand still extended for a handshake, she was getting a handshake one way or another. She continued to hold her hand extended to Visage looking between her hand and Visage. [color=cadetblue]”Shake?”[/color] Right before Maddy spoke up Visage saw her hand out of the corner of her eye. She obliged, giving a firm handshake. [I]Strange girl[/i]. Locking eyes, Visage set a node. She scanned her own appearance using her power. A purple beanie sat on top of her head, her hair completely obscured by it with stylish, thin rimmed glasses resting on her nose. The beanie was helping to hide the fact that she was wearing a blonde wig, which was the only hair peeking out of her beanie. There was a dark blue cardigan resting on her shoulders, with a white tanktop underneath, and a gym bag over her left shoulder. Tight jeans hugged her legs, with slip-on sneakers completing the outfit. She had almost no makeup on, clearly trying to go for a more naturalistic look. The mental review was over. She looked nonthreatening, not straddling the border of dangerous like Visage did. Still, she was meeting as Visage, and so half of that metaphorical mask still hung from her identity in front of Maddy. [b]”You want work then, money of course, but what else? Because in my experience it's never just the money.”[/b] Back to business, she started walking, making sure to fall back a bit after they started so that they walked side by side. Equals for now. [color=cadetblue]”Well I just need money, I mean sure you can steal stuff but like. Money is just super useful for getting things, like the internet and stuff. You know how boring it is living on the stree-”[/color] Maddy froze for a moment raising a finger and screwing up her face as if in a moment of intense concentration. [color=cadetblue]”You wouldn’t happen to have accommodation with access to the internet, pay TV and current gen video game consoles would you?”[/color] Maddy quickly lowered her hand and gave Visage a rather intense stare. Normally collected Visage was at a bit of a loss. She looked Maddy across again. How young was she? A breath escaped her lips as she actually thought up an answer. Honestly what was requested wasn't that big of a deal to organize. Visage waved her hand, trying to signal that the request would be easy to organize. Internally she thought [i]the desperate are the best employees[/i]. The words she spoke didn't quite match that sentiment though. [b]”That all can be arranged as a-a signing bonus. I still need to know if you're the right fit for the [i]company, Maddy, darling[/i]”[/b] She held out her hand a bit, signalling that they should turn into an alley. It was empty, barely more than a sideways dumpster in length, which was proven by just that interrupting the straight path. Two closed and locked doors led into the alley from adjacent buildings. It terminated at another building, with broken glass scattered around the dumpster’s right side. The smell wasn't as bad as one might expect. [b]”Show me what you can do?”[/b] it was in that sweet spot between question and command. Maddy nodded to Visage and walked a few feet away, making sure that she had enough room. She took a deep breath getting herself ready (not that she needed to but hey, why not put on a little show?) she then rolled both her shoulders. [color=cadetblue]”Alright. Prepare to be amazed! Actually wait a second. What kind of work am I going to be doing? Like I’m not going to be shifting boxes or any shit like that right?”[/color] [b]”I-I don't know what your power is. Show me? Unless it's not flashy I guess.”[/b] Visage seemed exasperated. Maddy was definitely not on the same wavelength as Visage here. [color=cadetblue]”Fine fine fine, Jeez.”[/color] Maddy grumbled, taking off her bag and gently placing it on the ground. Then with what looked like a puff of smoke Maddy shifted into her breaker form her body dispersing into a thick black mist with massive bright white spheres in place of her eyes. The thick mist condensed down into a pitch black body much like a silhouette. She was still leaking smoke from almost all of her body, the cloud quickly blanketing her. Obviously this wouldn’t be enough to prove anything to Visage, so Mire morphed one of her arms into a massive spike, then thrusted her weaponized appendage into the dumpster punching a hole in its side. [color=firebrick]”So? What do you think?”[/color] Mire’s arm slowly morphed back to a normal human shape before she shifted back to human form, all the mist that once surrounded her collapsing in on itself and condensing back into flesh. [color=cadetblue]”Oh also I can make you trip mad balls with the mist that comes off me.”[/color] Maddy then glanced back at the perforated dumpster. [color=cadetblue]”That might’ve been a bit loud, maybe we should walk again yeah?”[/color] A bit dazed, Visage nodded, visibly impressed. Even if the first part was the entire power she would’ve been very happy, but it also had a lot of danger to it. The whole “I can make you trip mad balls” part didn’t register until they had removed themselves from the premises. Once they were a couple blocks away, she managed to compose herself, and consider the power fully. Visage didn’t speak, she just kept considering the different possibilities. The first idea that really stood out to her was keeping [i]Mire[/i] in the shadows so to speak, make it seem like it was all Visage’s power after a second trigger. That was a wonderful look, that could even be enhanced by her own power. Another option was to dress Maddy in inverse colors, and then turn herself into white mist when Maddy turned in to black mist. A beautiful display, but one that would take some work. With enough ‘twins’ running around, it might even throw the PRT onto the scent of a duplicator. There was always the fallback aesthetic of just having her be another high powered chess piece. Not a pawn to throw away, but a queen to trade with effectively in the end game. Lost in her own thoughts, she kept walking with Maddy, not speaking at all. Maddy walked alongside Visage noticing the girl was in deep thought, Maddy tilted her head and decided to get another good look at her possible new boss. Maddy was actual a decent amount shorter that Visage, though she’d come to expect being the shortest person around in most cases. While Maddy looked up at Visage she notice how well [i]equipped[/i] she was, without a moment of hesitation Maddy extended out a hand and poked the side of Visage’s bust. [color=cadetblue]”Oh fuck those are real!”[/color] Maddy said untiling her head and looking back up at Visage. The first thought that crossed Visage’s mind was [i]why is she touching me?[/i], with the second being [i]stay diplomatic. You might have to teach her how to act how you’d like, but this. . . horrifying monster is vulnerable.[/i] She forced a laugh that at least sounded genuine, brushing her hands over her body from hips to torso. [b]”Believe it or not, this isn’t.”[/b] She said, bringing her hands the rest of the way to point at her hair. Visage removed the beanie and wig, letting her striking dark red hair fall down. She opened the gym bag, putting the headwear in there, as well as the glasses. She drew a thick= white jacket from the bag before removing her cardigan and placing it inside, Putting on the jacket, she finished with a flourish, tossing her hair up a bit. [b]”Ta-dah.”[/b] [color=cadetblue]”Oh shit would you look at that. You’re a master of disguise! That’s pretty cool.”[/color] Maddy sped up so she could walk in front of Visage and get a batter look at her face, Visage was cute for sure there was no question about that. The red hair was also stunning, Maddy hadn’t gotten the chance to see many red heads. All things considered though this might not actually be the real Visage’s look, for all Maddy knew this could be another disguise though honestly it didn’t bother her. [color=cadetblue]”Oh before I forget! Now that you’ve seen what I can do, what’s the job you’re offering me?”[/color] Maddy shifted back to walking besides Visage, she wasn’t super fussed with the job at this point, Visage was interesting and Maddy wanted some more time to get to know her. Who knows, it could be fun. [b]”Obviously this isn’t the kind of job you can put on a portfolio. You’re going to be working for the Rockers under my command, and honestly more important than the actual work you do, will be postering. I want you to present yourself in a certain way. First things first we should get you a hot meal, a hot shower, and a warm place to sleep.”[/b] Visage maintained periodic eye contact throughout to drive certain points home, and a warm smile crept across her face during the last sentence. [b]”And of course the pay will be exceptionally generous.”[/b] Maddy was kind of touched by what Visage was saying, though it also kind of reminded her of a motherly figure, needless to say she wasn’t fond of remembering her mother. Maddy hid her feelings behind a smile. [color=cadetblue]”It’s had to refuse an offer like that! Lead the way boss.”[/color] Maddy felt her eyes drift back to Visages [i]equipment[/i] again though she quickly shook her head and focused on the thought of a warm meal, god she’d gotten so sick of shitty takeaway foods or leftover scraps. [/hider]