Yep, you're not wrong. I owe you guys a whole lot more than the lame half-assed not-really-here schtick. You're all awesome and I sincerely appreciate every one of you for your tremendous dedication, your amazing writing, your wonderful characters. Just really, you're all great and wonderful and I have completely and utterly let you down. My brainspace is being devoured elsewhere IRL, and I thought I'd be back and ready to roll a long time ago -- but it looks like it's not gonna let up anytime soon. If anything I'm gonna be slower for months to come. So I think it's probably best to throw in the towel. I'm really sorry, guys -- you deserve better! I'm totally willing to hand over the reins if anyone else wants to run with it and go nuts -- but I don't think I can continue this story. Not in the way you all deserve. ♥