Hello. I'm looking for casual to high casual female writers who are willing to partner me in several ideas I would like to try. You must be able to post good quality, lengthy post, or at least be able to match what I give to you. I don't want to be posting three or four paragraphs and only getting two to three sentences back. I'm not too fussed about how frequently you post as long as you tell me if you are unable to to post for a period of time and I will do the same. One post a day is fine by me, although I do understand if you are unable to. Spelling and grammar aren't that much of an issue to me. As long as I can read and understand what it is your character id doing we should be okay. However, a certain standard should be met considering this will be casual to high casual. I hope my partners will talk to me and allow us to get to know each other via OOC, where we will also discuss the direction and condition of our roleplay. Below are a few ideas I have and I have also listed a few pairings I would like to try. The betrayal of a mobster Set in 1940's, New York, this story will follow how a young, arrogant detective infiltrates a well-feared and relentless crime family. It will portray the dangers and disturbing situations he will find himself in, in order to bring down the D' Talia crime family. The detective will find himself breaking the law as he co-operates with the family's drug trading and other illegal exploits as they search for supremacy and control of organized crime in New York City. Also, it will show how said detective becomes involved with the crime family boss' mistress and how they try to keep their affair a secret. If they can! Online -CLOSED- This roleplay will be different to most I have done. It will follow the lives of two strangers who meet online via a band's website, in which they both have interest in. They will form a friendship and eventually a relationship in which they both describe and detail each other's lives, secrets and dreams to each other. However, they agree never to tell the other their real names, addresses etc. All they have to go on is their username from the website. A majority of this roleplay will be portraying our characters behind a computer desk as they talk to each other over the world wide web. Both have their own individual lives, relationships, jobs etc but they eventually begin to get drawn towards each other, although I'm happy to just keep them as friends. As a slight twist I was thinking the pair could live in the same block of apartments or on the other hand have them be in completely different country's. I'm open to both. Pairings Roman General, Emperors Daughter Rich Boy, Rich Girl City Boy, Country Girl Adventurer, Adventurer Time Traveller, Local Robot, Patchwork Doll (Steampunk) Toy, Toy Detective, Detective Detective, Assistant Alien, Human Alien, Alien Spy, Spy Prince, Princess