[h2][centre][b]Corros Meeran[/b][/centre][/h2][hr] [i]Boring.[/i] The only word that summed up Corros' day so far, and it was barely even noon. He had been awake since before anyone else in the squad, as was normally the way; he hadn't adjusted well to life aboard the [i]Tempest[/i] so far. It was strange, a far cry from his family's cosy home in Lothal City or the dorms of the Academy. Those dorms didn't float around in space, for one. New surroundings always seemed to put Corros on edge at first, and this time the mixed feelings of homesickness and excitement were playing havoc with his sleeping pattern. It wasn't that Corros didn't feel comfortable here, nor that he was particularly stressed or worried about anything, but he just couldn't sleep. Instead of staying in bed this morning and trying to squeeze out every second he could, he'd got in the gym early, spending an hour and a half working through his usual circuits before the first meal of the day. After that he decided he wasn't in any mood to do anything too strenuous, especially with the squad expecting their deployment orders at some point today. In truth that was the only productive thing he had done all day. He'd eaten with the squad in the morning, at a time where everyone is usually still tired and wishing they were in bed. He'd walked a lap of the ship just to kill time and familiarize himself a bit more. Corros was an expert when it came to procrastination. He had visited the armoury to make sure all of his equipment was where it should be, and then revisited again an hour later just to double check no one had moved it while he wasn't there. He'd managed to spend 10 minutes alone just decided to not clean his armour, having examined every plate thoroughly, before deciding it was in fact dirty, but not that dirty. Mostly, though, he was just thinking. He always did it, he'd think about anything and his mind would wander and before he knew it half an hour was gone just spent thinking. He thought of home, of his smiling sisters and proud parents. He thought of the world below, Lotho Minor, about its people and their lives and about what would happen when they got down there. And through it all, the young man from Lothal just couldn't stop thinking about how damned bored he was. So the order to assemble was a welcome one. And it came much earlier than expected, a pleasant surprise for a man that would have just carried on wasting time if it hadn't. He was on his way back to the squad's bunkroom when the order came in, but like lightning he turned on his heels and set off the other way, fixing his helmet in place with a satisfying click. By the time he got there the armoury had been picked clean, and it certainly hadn't been so empty earlier. Which meant only one thing. Almost everyone else was already in the hangar. Spurred on now by a new desire to not be the last one there this time, he grabbed his rifle and fixed it in place. The bandolier went next, sitting across his chest, black against the sheer white of his armour's chest plate. A large pack fixed onto its holding on his back, and to that clipped a Smart Rocket Launcher, and Corros' favourite piece of kit, an MPL-57 grenade launcher. It was hard to move anywhere in a hurry loaded down like this but Corros did his best, jogging through the corridors and cursing himself for putting too much emphasis on his legs in the gym today. Surprise surprise; everyone was already there. The vast majority of the 200 stormtroopers aboard the [i]Tempest[/i] were. [i]'It's always me,'[/i] he thought to himself as he looked around frantically, trying to work out where he should be. Corros was able to pick his squad out of the swelling crowd thanks to the HUD in his helmet kindly showing him everyone's serial number. He walked slowly and calmly, trying to make it seem as though he wasn't panicked at all, but realising only after that walking so slowly when he was already so late probably just made him look like an ass. He took his place at the end of the line without saying a word, trying to catch his breath a little after running with so much kit but doing his best to avoid breathing heavily. Like he needed to give anyone else a reason to give him grief. Standing in line, it was finally time to get excited. They were going down, to the surface of Lotho Minor. Why, Corros wasn't too sure, but he knew they'd all find out soon enough.