[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B2IODuk.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [b][i]Anyone here that needs to rely on someone else to pass this stupid exam should just quit and go the hell home![/i][/b] Those words Blue-boy ferociously shouted did cause Shiki to stop in his tracks and hesitate for a moment. Maybe he is right, Shiki thought. It was not until Mari and the Light-bulb responded, which made him regain his confidence and cleared his doubts. Currently, his quirk is more beneficial in a group than solo. If he can manage to be useful and try his best, then that's all that matters, right? As Shiki moved forward and approached the rescue team, his eyes scanned every individual in the group and noticed a majority of them were female. If he didn't know any better, he would proudly call this his 'harem'. But, he hasn't openly displayed such interests yet, perhaps they lie elsewhere~. He stopped a short distance away from the two girls drinking juice together. Watching the Neko and Glasses for a brief moment made his mouth a little dry, craving for a drink as well. Maybe if he introduced himself and asked politely they will share, he thought. Oh, but they were only drinking orange juice, he noticed. He personally preferred the juicy sweet tanginess of fresh pineapples, but whatever, he was still kind of thirsty. Before he could muster up the courage to ask, the green haired boy joined the group and introduced himself first. [color=lightblue][i]Glitchy looking...[/i][/color] Shiki turned to face Shun and returned a small wave of his own before going back to warming himself up. [color=lightblue]"Tetsumi, Shiki...and I can easily collect and share information with the use of my tail...So, I can assist with surveying too. I can also increase the length of my tail up to fifteen feet, but it's not really that strong..."[/color] He replied with a soft-spoken tone and then let out a heavy sigh afterwards. Listening to himself explain his own quirk felt unsatisfying to him. Perhaps, this called for a demonstration. Shiki's tail swayed behind him in a predatory fashion, like if it was ready to strike one of them with the connector at any given moment. [color=lightblue]"If you want to try right now...We can share all of our quirk details and a bit of information about ourselves with just a [i]little[/i] poke. It doesn't hurt at all..."[/color] He suggested, offering them a chance to experience his quirk before they start. Although, the way he moved his tail didn't exactly match up with his words. [hr] [@Scribe of Thoth][@TheWindel][@KoL][@Stern Algorithm]