There was a moment of relief when AVA turned over the gun and that was the first time since the grand escape from the confusion where Sophie felt like something was going right. It was a small moment for sure, but small moments made all the difference. Of course, AVA didn't [i]have[/i] to do that, Sophie was adamant in her work and belief that with proper initial oversight that beings, even created ones, could be trusted to make their own decisions - and AVA was the first step in that radical thought process. Sophie didn't order AVA to comply, it was a choice and it showed a great deal of trust in the doctor that AVA parted with it. It might not have been the right time to crack a smile, but her mood was still lifted all the same. "Well, the obvious option would be to start at the scene of the crime, but they've most likely got it under security right now. Knowing the cause of death or anything at all would be a boon, but I don't fancy our chances against law enforcement even with your abilities, AVA." Sophie was doing what she did best: Thinking. She had to balance what they [i]did[/i] know, namely that AVA was innocent, with what they [i]didn't[/i] know which was...a considerable amount. Innocent until proven guilty didn't apply to someone that many people didn't even see as a person. "I think out first option should be to get to a more secure a safehouse. I think I know where to go...she's probably the only ally we'll have." Sophie was being somewhat vague but doing so with a confidence of self - no doubt she was trying to sound in control and brave for the benefit of AVA and whether or not it was working for [i]AVA[/i] it seemed to be working for Sophie and that was arguably the more important thing. "Here, take my hand. Until we get there, if anyone asks, let me do the talking, okay? We'll walk it, we can't risk public transportation."