Noir: Just great now porcupine is mad and I gotta keep the toy man inside along with not get shot. Ugh 😑 what a drag. *I bet your wondering how did I get this deep into this. Well it happen like this* After Noir one of the pandas he regroup with the police officers outside. They tell him that the chief went inside to try to get some of the hostages out. Also while he was gone 2 men got inside. There identities were unknown. Noir took a few seconds to process the situation and figure out the best way to enter. Noir: ................ guess I’ll try to sneak behind them and go through the front. Don’t have a lot of time to waste. *Noir warps to the side of the building. Out of sight of teddy and the two unknown guys. He gets past them and gets to the front entrance of the bank. Noir: Too easy! With that now I can go in and ........😳😥😨😰😱 *Noir looks behind him and see a large man glaring dagger eyes at him. He can feel the bloodlust. He was wondering how did he get the drop on him. With no time to react he tried hitting him with shadow claws but he blocked them and with one punch he hits Noir so hard he goes though the wall of the bank and lands in the middle of the room* Noir: Damn *cough cough* He hits hard. Not as hard as LT but I can just take those han...... wait those aren’t hands. *Noir notice his quirk allows him to turn in to a giant spiked mace. Noir looks at him in the moonlight and cracks a smile* Noir: So are you a porcupine or something? No wait your hand are like literally giant maces. Also you okay looks like you on something fam. *Without a word the mace man goes on the offensive. Noir now knowing the opponent he dodged the haymakers waiting for an opening just when Noir was about to go on the attack he heard someone charging a gun. He moved back in the nick of time as some of the bears come out and start shooting at him.* Noir: I don’t have time for this in have to.... *boom* *Mace man hits him again and sends him flying he lands outside the room with the hostages and looking in there eye all the fear. Looking at them lit a fire in Noir* Noir: Okay now I’m mad. Let’s end this shall we? *Noir summons his shadow spirit Driger who is only a cub in the day time* Noir: Okay buddy I know we not the strongest right now but we get one chance at this before I crash. *Driger nods in approval* Okay porcupine lets start round 2. *Driger hops on Noirs arm and transforms in to a shadow claw and shield. Thorn starts pounding Noir and at first Noir is able to deflect them but after so much he starts to get tired and catches another punch to the gut and Noir falls to his knees* Noir: This has gone on long enough. I have to end this now or I’m dead *Noir’s shadow starts to get bigger and bigger until it double in size and then it starts to shrink until Noir had a ball of shadows and darkness around his right hand. Noir looks at his hand and trout what would his father do? Driger feels the determination coming from his master. At that moment thorn rushes in for another hit but at that moment something trigger Noir inner power and with his eyes closed he waits for him to gets close and as soon as he gets close he opens his eyes and in one focused strike he hits thorn* Noir: Shadow Tiger Fang!!!!!!! *Thorn stands there and his spikes retract and he falls to the ground.* Noir: OMG....... finally now.... I..... can...... save....... *Noir collapses on the floor not able to move a muscle*