We all know that Maccready was a little lamplighter, at least those of us who played Fo3 or those who encountered him in Fo4 who bothered to interact with him, but what happened to the rest of the kids in little lamplight? My poking around in the Fallout forums gave me a bit of information, my favorite bit being this. [i][u]As of 2287, the settlement's fate is unknown, although MacCready is alive for the events of Fallout 4, meaning he would've been forced to leave by 2281 when he turned sixteen. Considering the age of MacCready at the time the Sole Survivor meets him most, if not all, of the children who had appeared in Fallout 3's Little Lamplight would have likely been kicked out.[/u][/i] Forgetting the obviously left out bit of where all the kids from little lamplight come from after a certain point ( a detail left out for a very good reason I think. ) It gave me an idea, What if a group of little lamplighters made their way to the commonwealth together? What if a group of 16 year old soon to be " Mungos " tried their hand at the wasteland, and traveled here and there, keeping to themselves and generally staying mostly intact for 2 years before finally coming across the commonwealth in the hopes of finding another permanent home. What would they do? Where would they go? The general idea for this is to have a small group of us arriving at the edges of the commonwealth at the beginning of the rp, having already spent a good two years in the wasteland. Ages would realistically be 18, 20 at the very most and they would not necessarily be gun-slinging bad-asses, they are still essentially teenagers after all. They would have a decent amount of worldly experience but would still have a lot to learn. Really I don't want to get my hopes up, but if there is anybody interested let me know and I could try to work up a CS and keep going on this idea!