[color=f26522]"Excuse me Lord Orson, Reverend Anderson; the good lord has the right idea I suggest that we all wait on assigning leaders it looks like the others are uncomfortable with the matter. We should prepare to head out to Poland. I'm mostly prepared myself to be honest I still need to buy some more materials for some of my bigger spells."[/color] commented Monika as said tried to smile hoping she didn't insult the Greek hero who so confidently put himself forward. Anderson looked at the hero as the berserker he had summoned started to wipe off some of the dust around the room diligently. He ignored her for the moment. [color=fff200]"Well it looks like we're not goin' to get anywhere soon. Indecision is the worse part of team based combat. We need to be a unit whatever your intention for this 'grail' is then we need to put it on hold, and get our work together. As such I believe I speak for all of us when I dismiss our members from the room. Talk with your servants, or the others. Prepare yourselves for what comes next."[/color] Anderson stated as Orson stepped up and gestured towards King. [color=0072bc]"Mister King has generously decided to fund your needs for magical substances. That which is not kept here can be bought on his tab as long as its not overtly over-priced. You can send us the bill, and we will give it to him afterward. Other than that we will be meeting at the nearby airport to take Mister King's jet from London to Danzig. After that a brief drive will result in all of you reaching your destination. In the local church you will find your HQ. It is already being fortified by Anderson's agents. You're dismissed have a nice day."[/color] Orson stated as he nodded at everyone and left the room. Monika stayed just in case anyone had questions unlike King who left just as quick. Leon wasn't sure what to make of all of this himself he was no leader either but this hero, this knight of the round he had summoned wasn't what he had expected. But from the way he held himself he had a good idea of who he had called into this world. The heroes around him all varied wildly from one another. Not surprising he guessed not likely that everyone here had the same idea of where to get their relics. Though he thought Japan, England, France, and Middle East were the most likely places to get a great hero...maybe China but that ran the risk of running into a weaker hero tied to a greater one. A lot of people were intertwined there. Saber looked at his master, and sighed. [color=8882be]"What's our first course of action?"[/color] questioned Saber as Leon considered what he should do. In this case he had no real supplies he needed to get most of his magecraft focused on the most common elements around. Some people had fancier magecraft but a good air projection was easy, and straight forward. [color=39b54a]"Let's hold up Saber I wanna see what the others do first before we get moving."[/color] Leon told him wondering if maybe they had an idea he didn't. It may be best to start thinking as a unit rather than a individual.