[hider=Lia Icecolle] [b]Appearance/Image:[/b] [hider=][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b4/b6/76/b4b676154d7e75d9608d0a5455619691--iron-angel.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Lia C. Icecolle [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5’4”/138 lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] Fun-loving. Lia is a gifted student, provided she isn’t bored with the material. Things that capture her interest will get the full measure of her effort, while anything else will get exactly as much effort as it takes to meet her own standards. It can mean, sometimes, that it doesn’t seem like she’s paying attention. But if something has her full attention she can focus in an instant. Lia is friendly enough to just about anyone, and quite generous with the people she chooses to call her friends; but she also can, by her own admission, be a little vain from time to time. A perfectionist streak a mile wide ties right into that. Equally happy to go shopping and talk about music when she’s not at school. Always eager to tag along with any adventure that sounds interesting enough to devote some time to. [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Class Affinity:[/b] Caster [b]Background:[/b] Lia was born and raised in Japan, but comes from European bloodlines. Their affiliation with the Magus Association has long since lapsed, and few practitioners have been born in many generations. Though the capacity is present, so far from their original basis their magecraft has dwindled to almost nothing. Lia’s father traveled extensively for business, leading to the young girl’s life in Japan. Her mother disliked the climate and returned to Russia before long, and her father was away on business quite often. By the age of sixteen Lia was alone in her home more often than not. Still, her father’s success as a businessman awarded her comfort and opportunity; she developed an interest in music at an early age, and had access to whatever instrument she wished. The piano turned out to be her favorite. Her father’s frequent absences gave her an independent streak, and she has been perfectly comfortable living virtually alone for most of high school. Lia has offered piano lessons after school for a few years, and is a regular participant in any musical events hosted by the student body. As graduation draws near, Lia has been considering a career in medicine for her further education. [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Known Magic (If Any):[/b] Basic magecraft. Little more, due to the lapsed nature of her lineage. [b]Special Talents/Hobbies:[/b] Excellent pianist, avid singer. Provided no one is listening to the latter. Also a voracious reader, contributing to a broad knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Preternatural ability to smell a sale. Tri-lingual; Japanese, English, Russian. [b]Ambition:[/b] At the end of the day, Lia is seeking excitement. She hasn’t yet found her path in life, and looks for whatever adventures might impart an experience to point her in the right direction. [hider=Servant Cards] [b]Leonardo da Vinci[/b]; Chaotic Good STR: E(E), AGI: D (C), END: E(E), MAN: B (A+), LUK: C (B), NP: A (EX) [i]Noble Phantasm:[/i] Uomo Universale Type:Anti-Personnel/Anti-Army Targets: Personnel/Army Analyzes the target in an instant and adjusts for maximum effect to suit the target in question. The concept of universality made manifest. In actuality, this is a limited application of its true function. With the appropriate mastery, this Noble Phantasm can temporarily reconstruct and in doing so reflect enemy Noble Phantasms. [b]Include:[/b] When installed, Lia gains an ornate staff and an armored left arm through which to channel her newfound power. The latter’s oversized-piston-powered-punch delivery method for said power can really hurt. [b]Install:[/b] Da Vinci’s full range of abilities, including his/her Noble Phantasms and his/her magecraft, are unlocked for the user. [b]Install Skills:[/b] [b][i]Class Skills[/i]:[/b] [i]Territory Creation C (A):[/i] The capacity to alter one’s surroundings to make them more beneficial to the user. [i]Item Creation B (A):[/i] The ability to create magical items and tools, with time and resources. [b][i]Personal Skills[/i]:[/b] [i]Inherent Wisdom A (EX):[/i] In life, Da Vinci was a genius of nearly unparalleled caliber. In sciences, in mathematics, in art, and yes, in magecraft. This wealth of knowledge and understanding is preserved, heightening the potency both of Class Skills and his/her Noble Phantasm. [i]Golden Rule (Body) C (B):[/i] Possessing a body that is perfect and beautiful, gained when Da Vinci “redesigned” his/her body as a Servant and imparted upon the installer. [i]Pioneer of the Stars B (EX)[/i]: A genius who made many impossible things in his/her time. Who advanced fields through their own brilliance. Words like “impossible”, to such a person, become guidelines. If there is, in all the infinite possibilities of the multiverse the slightest possibility of their goal they will find a way to make that impossibility possible. [b]Install Appearance:[/b] Upon installation, the master’s left arm is covered from shoulder to fingertips in armor. The right in a full-length blue glove. Her attire will be replaced with blue shirt and red skirt, underneath a brown blazer with red lining. If the master is not already wearing her glasses, a pair will appear. [b]Servant Biography:[/b] Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath in the Renaissance period, excelling in many fields including magecraft. A man who is credited for inventing several fields of study, and inventing devices centuries ahead of his time. Celebrated as the premier example of the Universal Man, dying at age sixty seven after accomplishing many marvels. [b]Servant Personality:[/b] Feverishly curious, lighthearted, and determined to advance humanity’s interests. Something of an eccentric sort when met one-on-one. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]